Chapter 9 - R.I.P. Snape

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TW: Blood and death

Katianne's POV

"You have performed extraordinary magic with this wand, my Lord. In the last few hours alone-" We could hear Snape saying to You-know-who while we hid behind a wall, ducking under the windows. "No. No! I am extraordinary! But the wand resists me." The bald wizard retorted raspily.

"There is no wand more powerful; Ollivander himself said it. Tonight, when the twins come to you, it will not fail you, I am sure. It answers to you and you only." The greasy haired Professor stated, his voice monotone as usual; even in the presence of the Dark Lord.

"Does it?" You-know-who whispered, a warning glint in his empty eyes. And this time, when Snape responded, his lips curved up ever so slightly into the smallest smile I have ever seen- as if trying to convince him. "My Lord?"

"The wand- does it truly answer to me? You're a clever man, Severus. Surely you must know. Where does its loyalty lie?" The Dark Lord taunted, walking around the Professor that stood more still than a statue.

"With you, of course, my Lord." If you listen really closely, you can hear the slight shakiness in his voice. As if he's desperate, desperate for You-know-who to believe him... believe his lie. But what was he lying about? What was he hiding?

"The Elder Wand cannot serve me properly because I am not its true master. The Elder Wand belongs to the wizard who killed its last owner. You killed Dumbledore, Severus. While you live, the Elder Wand cannot be truly mine. You have been a good and faithful servant, Severus- but only I can live forever."

"My Lord-" The dark haired man gasped out, but was immediately cut off with a swish of the bald wizard's wand. Blood started oozing out of his neck, staining the white shirt he had underneath his black cloak.

I silently gasped- and flinched as a loud thud emerged. "Nagini, kill!" You-know-who hissed, his snake crashing into Snape, again, and again... and again. It took everything in me to not go in there- to hold back and stay in place.

I hated Snape for what he did to Dumbledore... but You-know-who was so much worse.

Finally, the Dark Lord and Nagini apparated away, leading to us going into the room.

And then I saw him- Snape, laying on the ground; so desperate, so vulnerable, so... helpless. Quickly, I went up to him, holding his bloody neck. I could see one lone tear falling from his eye, rolling down his pale cheek.

"Take them.. take them- please." The Professor sobbed out. "Give me something! Quickly! A flask! Anything!" Harry ordered, and Hermione abided. The raven haired boy held the flask to the Professor's face, collecting his tears.

"Take them to the pensieve." Snape then said.

"Look at me." And Harry did. Snape's gaze shifted to me. "You look just like her," Then he looked back at my twin. "But you... you have your mother's eyes."

I could feel his pulse stop, which is when I knew deep down that Snape wasn't really bad. And now... he's dead.

520 words

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