Season 1-7 (Hook Man)

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Hayden sat at an outside diner table with Dean while Sam made a call on a pay phone. She eyed Dean's cup of coffee hoping that she could move it with her mind towards her so she could drink some.

"Knock it off Hayden." Dean said. She looked up and him and saw he hadn't taken his eyes off the laptop screen.

"But I'm not doing anything." She said. Dean looked over at her.

"You're trying to move my cup." He stated knowingly.

"No I'm not." She lied even though her face was guilty.

"Yes you are. Just because I'm not looking at you, doesn't mean that I can't see you. You've been staring at my cup for 20 minutes and you've been hoping to move things with your mind for the past 5 days. I think that's one ability you don't have love." He said. Hayden sighed dramatically.

"Well, can I have some of your coffee then?" She asked.

"Not a chance." Dean answered with a smile as he grabbed his coffee and took a sip.

"I just wanna taste it." Hayden pouted as she grabbed her cup of apple juice.

The now 6 year old was trying to understand what abilities she had and how she could use them as well as how to control them. So far the only thing the family knew was that she had visions, she could see the supernatural and her eyes could turn purple.

She sat in deep thought as she played with the necklace the brothers had gifted her for her birthday. They ended up having another hunt that lasted the week of her birthday. Then the brothers spent the next week looking for any traces of their father.

So Dean and Sam chose a simple yet meaningful gift for her. It was a golden necklace that had the charms; a book (from Sam), a baseball bat (from Dean) and a heart that had their names engraved. Dean thought the heart was too cheesy but Sam convinced him to keep it because it was for Hayden. Of course the necklace cost a fortune but the family was still running credit card scams so it didn't bother them at all. When they saw Hayden's reaction to the necklace, they realized that she truly meant the world to them.

"Your uh, half-caff double vanilla latte is getting cold over here Francis." Dean joked as Sam walked back to the table.

"Bite me." Sam replied as he sat down.

"So anything?" Dean asked.

"I had them check the FBI's missing persons databank. No John Does fitting that description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations." Sam explained.

"I'm telling you, I don't think dad wants to be found. Check this out. New item out of Plains Courier, Ankeny Iowa. It's only about 100 miles from here." Dean said and slid the computer in front of Sam.

"Mutilated body was found near the victim's car parked on 9 mile road." Sam read the article.

"Keep reading." Dean said as he took another sip of his coffee.

"Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eye witness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible." Sam finished.

"Could be something interesting." Dean said.

"Or it could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn't see anything doesn't mean it's the invisible man." Sam argued.

"But what if it is? Dad would check it out." Dean stated. Sam went to say something but caught Hayden's eyes.

"Hayden?" He called to her as the child's eyes flickered between brown and purple.

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