Season 1-18 (Something Wicked This Way Comes)

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Sam, Dean and Hayden rode in the impala together on another trip.

"Yeah, you probably missed something. That's why." Dean said.

"Dude, I ran LexisNexis local police reports, newspapers- I couldn't find a single red flag. Are you sure you got the coordinates right?" Sam replied.

"Yeah. I double checked. It's Fitchburg, Wisconsin. Dad wouldn't have sent us coordinates if it wasn't important Sammy." Dean said.

"Well I'm telling you, I looked, and all I could find was a big steamy pile of nothing. If dad's sending us hunting for something, I don't know what." Sam argued.

"Well maybe he's gonna meet us there." Dean said.

Sam chuckled. "Yeah, cause he's been so easy to find up to this point." He said.

"You're a real smartass you know that. Don't worry. I'm sure there's something in Fitchburg worth killing." Dean said.

Hayden just looked between the two from her seat in the back as they conversated.

"Yeah? What makes you so sure?" Sam asked.

"Because I'm the oldest, which means I'm always right." Dean replied.

"No it doesn't." Sam argues.

"It totally does." Dean quickly replied.

The two shot looks at one another before Dean smiled to himself.

The three rode past two signs. One read 'Fitchburg POP. 20,501'. The other one, which was a much bigger sign that read:

A place to call home
Fitchburg Wisc❤️nsin




"Ooh! Daddy can we go to that park?" Hayden asked. Dean looked around and spotted a cafe right across the street from the park.

"Yeah. We can." He said thinking this was a good place to start asking around to seeing if anything out of the ordinary was happening. Also, there was a place to keep Hayden occupied. Two birds, one stone.

Dean parked the car and Hayden happily jumped out and ran to the park. There was only one little girl there. So Hayden approached her.

"Hi! I'm Hayden." She said.

"I'm Sarah." The girl said.

"Wanna play with me?" Hayden asked. The girl smiled big and nodded. She had been the only one at the park and she was sad because of that. The two girls ran around laughing , screaming and playing.

Dean smiled to himself before turning to Sam.

"I'm gonna go ask around to see if something's been going on. Keep an eye on her." He said before heading to the cafe.

"Get me a coffee!" Sam yelled to him.

"How old are you Sarah?" Hayden asked.

"I'm 6. I'm in the first grade." She said.

"Me too." Hayden smiled.

"You're in the first grade like me?" Sarah asked.

"No. I don't go to school." Hayden shook her head.

"Oh. Why not?" Sarah asked.

"Me and my daddy move around a lot. So I can't." Hayden shrugged.

"Oh." Sarah said. Hayden looked around and started to get confused. She was sure parks were supposed to be filled with kids. That's how it was at all the parks she's been to before, but this one was deserted.

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