Season 1-13 (Route 666)

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The family of three stood outside of a service station. Sam was looking at a map with Hayden, while Dean was taking a phone call.

"Okay, I think I found a way we can bypass that construction just east of here. We might even make it to Pennsylvania fast than we thought." Sam said as Dean hung up the phone.

"Which means we can have more fun at the Carnival." Hayden cheered.

"Yeah. Problem is we're not going to Pennsylvania." Dean replied as he walked to the driver side of the impala.

"Wait what?" Sam asked confused.

"Daddy?" Hayden asked and looked at Dean sadly.

"I just got a call from an old friend. Her father was killed last night. She thinks it might be our kind of thing." Dean explained.

"But what about the carnival? It ends in a week. Uncle Sammy said that we'll make it there in 2 or 3 days with this new route." Hayden asked.

"I'm sorry princess. But she never would've called, never, if she didn't need us." Dean replied.

"But you promised no monster hunting this week. This week is family week." She complained but Dean was already in the car ready to go.

"Come on. You two coming or what?" He called. Sam scoffed and Hayden pouted.

"Hey it's alright. I'm sure Dean'll make it up to you." Sam said.

"Yeah... right." She said quietly and got in the car. Sam sighed and got in as well.




"Alright. By old friend, you mean..." Sam started.

"A friend that's not new." Dean answered.

"Yeah thanks." Sam chuckled.

"So her name's Cassie huh? You never mentioned her." He interrogated.

"Didn't I?" Dean asked.

"No." Sam replied. Hayden was currently mad at Dean. So she stayed quiet in the back.

"Yeah we went out." Dean stated.

"You mean you dated someone? For more than one night?" Sam asked.

"Am I speaking a language you're not getting here? Dad and I were working a job in Athens, Ohio. She was finishing up college. We went out for a couple of weeks." Dean explained.

"And?" Sam pressed. Dean just shook his head.

"Hold on. I'm sorry about her daddy and all but this just sounds like a normal accident. Why'd she call you, daddy? How does she even know what we do anyways? You always tell me that we keep it secret." Hayden asked. Dean said nothing, making Sam and Hayden look at him in complete shock and disbelief.

"You told her?!" The two yelled in unison.

"You told her the secret. Our big family rule number one- We do what we do and we shut up about it. For a year and a half, I do nothing but lie to Jessica and you go out with this chick in Ohio a couple of times and you tell her everything?" Sam ranted angrily. Dean said nothing, really not wanting to be having this conversation in the first place.

"Dean!" Sam yelled.

"Yeah, looks like." Dean replied. Sam scoffed at his brother.

"She must've been really important." Hayden said frowning.

"Hayden-" she cut him off.

"I mean you told her the family secret. Then you chose her over family week. Now we're gonna miss out on the roller coaster rides and the fun cakes and face painting and winning teddy bears and spending quality time together without monsters being involved." She ranted.

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