Season 1-14 (Nightmare)

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Dean and Hayden were deep in sleep when Sam had woken up in the middle of a night from a nightmare. He had dreamt that an unseen entity trapped a man in his car and killed him from Carbon Monoxide Poisoning.

He sat up, sweating and looking around before he completely came to his senses.

"Dean." He called his brother before turning on the lamp. Dean was laying next to the lamp with one arm hanging off the side of the bed. Hayden was fast asleep on the other side, crawled up under Dean's other arm.

"Dean." Sam called him again. He shook his arm as he got up from the bed. Dean opened his eyes with a start when his arm shook.

"What are you doing man? It's the middle of the night. We're sleeping over here." He groaned as he sat up.  Hayden simply rolled over into a starfish position and stayed asleep. Sam moved around the room turning on the lights and quickly packing their things.

"We have to go." Sam said.

"What's happening?" Dean asked as he watched his brother hurriedly grab their things.

"We have to go... right now." Sam ordered.

"Alright alright. Just tell me what's going on." Dean said as he got out the bed.

"I'll explain in the car." Sam said. Dean went to the window and peaked out seeing it was raining.

"Damnit." He groaned. He didn't want to have to wake Hayden but he had to put warm clothes on her because of the rain. Even though she had healing abilities, he still worried that she'd get sick from normal things like the rain. He turned around to Sam handing him clothes for Hayden.

"Hurry. We have to leave now." He said. Dean made a face at his brother but complied. He quickly slipped Hayden out of her nightgown and into some weather appropriate clothes. Thankfully for him, she didn't wake up. Once he was done getting her dressed, he got himself together and they went out the door.




"McReed, Detective McReed. Badge number 158. I've got a signal 480 in progress. I need the registered owner of a two-door sedan, Michigan license plate- Mary, Frank 6-0-3-7.... Yeah, okay. Just hurry." Sam said into the phone.

"Sammy relax. I'm sure it's just a nightmare." Dean said trying to ease his brother's anxiety.

"Yeah. Tell me about it." Sam said.

"I mean it. You know, a normal, everyday, naked in class nightmare. This license plate, it won't check out." Dean said trying to reassure him.

"It felt different Dean, real. Like when I dreamt about our old house and Jessica." Sam stated.

"Well, yeah, that makes sense. You're dreaming about our house, your girlfriend. This guy in your dream, you ever seen him before?" Dean said.

"No." Sam replied.

"No, exactly. Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan?" Dean stated.

"I don't know." Sam replied.

"Me neither." Dean commented.

"Yes I'm here... Jim Miller- Saginaw, Michigan. Do you have a street address?... Got it. Thanks." Sam ended the phone call and stared straight ahead as the two had a moment of silence to let the information sink in.

"It checks out. How far are we?" Sam sighed.

"From Saginaw? A couple hours." Dean replied.

"Drive faster." Sam said. Dean glanced back at Hayden to make sure she was still asleep, which she was, before he sped up.

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