Season 1-9 (Home)

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"Alright. I've been cruising some websites. Think I found a few candidates for our next gig." Dean said to Sam, who was drawing a picture of a tree. Hayden, who sat next to him on the bed, was noisily peaking over at his drawing and saw he had been drawing the same tree. That wasn't the strange thing, though. She'd seen that same tree.

"Hey!" Dean called catching their attention.

"Am I boring you with this hunting evil stuff?" He asked.

"No, I'm listening. Keep going." Sam replied.

"And here a Sacramento Man shot himself in the head, three time." Dean read showing three fingers before waving his arm, trying to get his brother's attention.

"Any of these blowing up your skirt pal?" He asked. Sam kept flipping threw the pages of trees he drew.

"Wait, I've seen this." Sam said.

"Seen what?" Dean asked.

"Uncle Sammy." Hayden said and pointed at the tree.

"What is it?" Dean asked.

"Uncle Sammy, the picture." She said finally remembering where she'd seen the tree.

"The picture?" Sam said in deep thought.

"The picture of you and daddy with grandma and papa." She explained.

"The picture." Sam realized. He quickly got up and got John's journal from Dean's bag. He pulled out the picture, comparing the tree he'd drawn to the tree in the photo.

"Dean I know where we have to go next." Sam said.

"Where?" Dean asked.

"Back home. Back to Kansas." Sam said.

"Okay, random. Where'd that come from?" Dean asked.

"Um... this photo was taken in front of our old house, right? The house where mom died?" Sam asked sitting at the table with Dean. Hayden gotten off the bed and stood next to Dean, who's demeanor changed at the mention of their past home. Dean picked up the photo, looking at it.

"Yeah." He replied looking back at Sam.

"It didn't burn down completely. They rebuilt it, right?" Sam continued.

"I guess so, yeah. What the hell are you talking about?" Dean asked.

"Okay, look, this gonna sound crazy, but the people who live in our old house... I think they might be in danger." Sam started.

"Why would you think that?" Dean asked.

"Um... just, um- look just- you got to trust me on this, okay?" Sam said quickly and walked away to pack their things. Dean was confused. Hayden knew what was happening but she couldn't say anything to Dean. So she walked over to Sam.

"Uncle Sammy?" She asked. He turned to her.

"Did you..?" She trailed off. Sam knew what she meant and nodded.

"Okay." She said and started packing her bag as well. Dean looked at his brother and daughter.

"Hey. Woah woah woah. Trust you?" Dean asked.

"Yeah." Sam replied not looking up.

"Well man that's weak. You gotta give me a little more than that. Also Hayden? How are you going along with this? You know something I don't?" He asked walking over to the two.

"I can't really explain it, is all." Sam said glancing at his brother.

"Well tough, I'm not going anywhere until you do." Dean said before he turned to Hayden.

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