The Shadow War Part I: The Night of De Spell!

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*1 day later*

Y/n POV:

I sighed as I was carrying boxes to Donald's boat. We were back from vacation pretty soon, and I was helping Donald place objects in his boat which was now at a dock. Yeah, he moved out of the manor cause of the dispute with the boys and Scrooge. I honestly didn't want to go back either. Scrooge didn't fire me, so I could still work with the current job I have, but it will be MAD awkward.

As soon as I finished taking to box. I saw the triplets carrying a big one and went to their aid. "Here boys I got it." I said while carrying the fragile box. Webby then walked towards us and looked at the box I set down. "Ah, life on a boat! The lively rocking of the waves, sleeping next to a dangerous boiler...and what's that? A longhoreman cursing? Fun!" Webby exclaimed.

"Anything's better than the mansion with that selfish old miser." Dewey frowned while crossing his arms. I frowned sadly at this. "Aw that's not fair. Scrooge isn't THAT old and selfish." Webby said. The three of them looked at her with raised brows. "Scrooge is just dealing with his own things. He probably didn't even meant anything he said." I said, reassuringly.

"Pfft yeah- like he didn't "mean" to create a rocket with the risk of our mom getting lost in space. Plus, you also heard what he said to YOU." Dewey explained. I sighed as we all picked up boxes to bring inside. Donald then walked up in front of us out of nowhere. "Home sweet home huh?" He asked the kids. "Well your home is stable now." I smirked. "For the time being." He replied. The kids were all still frowning and didn't respond. Donald and I gave each other concerned looks.

Donald looked to his right and smiled. He grabbed a tray of crackers and fish. "Um, I got snacks!" He exclaimed. The fish was sliding off the cracker as we all looked at the tray. "How thoughtful.." I said, uncomfortably. Donald smiled as he moved his shoulders up and down, telling us to try it. Webby and I chuckled nervously as we grabbed one of the..snacks and took a bite. Let's just say that I'm 95% sure that the fish was still alive.

Webby and I smiled, uncomfortably, as we both nodded our heads and gave him a thumbs up for satisfaction. "Wait.." Donald started. "Where's Dewey?!" He then started to go frantic. Actually, I didn't realize he wasn't here. "Nope right here." I heard a voice at the stairwell. I walked with Donald and saw a moody Dewey sitting on the stair step. "Not stealing the boat." That's a first. "Oh!" Donald exclaimed. "Yep. Back to the good ol' days. Woo-hoo." "I smell sarcasm." I frowned. "Wonder where I got it from." I made a fake dramatic gasp as a joke.

I saw Webby spit out the snack Donald made in the box. Nasty. I walked up to the 3. "We should continue with the boxes." I said. They nodded in agreement and went off the boat to grab the other objects. I helped them carry the bigger ones while they carried the smaller ones. When we came back to grab the rest, we saw LP there, eyeing the box with the magical objects.

"Hey LP." I waved. He waved back. "Hey N/N, I think you misplaced this box." Dewey then dropped the box he was holding and walked up to him. "We're throwing that away." I looked at him concernly. "Dewey, those are memories of your family." I said as he took the box from LP. "And we're erasing those memories. Start a better life without that old miser." He then tripped and fell while trying to carry them as we went to go give him aid.

Webby picked up countless items that we got from our adventures. "The Druid's cup? This Mount Neverest T-shirt? The Golden Khopesh of Toth Ra that you conned Launchpad out of? Those artifacts are special!" "Exactly, you shouldn't throw them away like trash." I added. Dewey frowned as he held the trophy is his hands. "It's just old junk." He then went to the edge of the boat, and threw it into the saw. My eyes widened as I saw it sink to the bottom of the ocean.

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