The Fire Before The Flood//Part 6

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Sorry for my long hiatus, I hope you all are doing well, I've reread the book to help me figure out what I need to do for this chapter, thanks for all the support as well, it's been amazing <3

Chuuya POV

I had come to the text Mori sent me. He told me to come to the headquarters. I just hoped Dazai knew where I was going. Something was familiar about the headquarters for the Port Mafia, but I didn't know what it was. A saw a butterfly out the window and was reminded of last night's dream. It scared me awake, I still felt terrible for bonking Dazai in the nose as I jolted up. I walked up to his office.

"Hello Sir," I said walking in. Elise wasn't in there, odd.

"Hello Chuuya, how's everything going?"

"The mission is hitting a resolve," I said "Dazai's meeting with Ango"

"I wonder how well that's working out"

"You knew about the murders in the mission didn't you?"

"Indeed I did, you and Dazai, are both meant to be dead, how have your plans been coming along?"

"They've been going ok"

"See the clock?" Mori asked, "Watch it to thirteen hundred hours" it was ten seconds off. I had a brief look before looking back at him, his eyes flashed an emerald green in difference to the normal purple color. The clock read thirteen hundred hours and a crash sounded behind me. I turn to see a small plane with no captain barreling towards me. By the time I could react it had pinned me to the ground and sent me toward the opposite wall. My head smashed against it as the wall broke, and the plane continued onwards as I fell from the top floor, Fuck, this wasn't good. I needed to at least try and activate my ability. It worked but I only had a few seconds to react, trying to reach for some of the rubble to land myself on, instead, my ability stopped working and I slammed into it before it hit the ground. Wait, I had my earpiece on me, I read up to record a message to whoever else had one on currently. The building above me starts to wobble.

"This is, Chuuya Nakahara, signing out," I said as the building starts collapsing on top of me, and dust particles settled on me and in my throat. I hope I see you soon in the afterlife Dazai, you suicidal idiot, all I wanted was to get out of the mafia... I can't win can I Dazai? "This is Chuuya Nakahara... signing out..." I repeated as I blacked out.

I'm pretty sure my ribs broke on impact when I fell, of course, I only noticed all the pain after I woke up from blacking out, not to mention I could taste blood and probably had a concussion at least, I couldn't move and didn't want to. All I could hear was overwhelming mutter from local residents followed by loud sirens, my head hurt, and everything was somewhat muffled, I couldn't move, I just wanted to die. I could finally see something besides the sky and the headquarters.

"What's your name?" a woman asked me, she looked to be a paramedic.

"Chuuya..." was all I could say. I could barely move.

"We'll get you to a hospital as quick as we can Chuuya" they picked me up and loaded me onto a stretcher, my whole spine hurt. Everything was so loud. 

"Quick," they said. They loaded me into the back, a paramedic sat next to me and one behind me. The siren sounded, so incredibly loud. I felt like vomiting. Not a second later I did. The paramedic cleaned up the barf rather quickly. I tossed my head slightly trying to stop the loud noises. The paramedic noticed and gave me headphones, it was better but still so loud. 

"He may have a mild or really bad concussion," they said. They immediately as soon as we got there started doing checkups on me. I had a concussion, six shattered ribs, and a broken spine and both my legs were also broken with my right arm. FUCK. I was in a neck brace, two leg braces, an arm brace, and a lot of pain. I had two blood IV bags running into me. They gave me morphine for the pain. After maybe an hour Doctor Yosano and Dazai ran in. 

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