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A sick feeling arose in my stomach, which worsened the closer it got to my shift. Yes, I have been sober for over four years, but as my therapist says, even just one drop of alcohol could break all my progress, sending me down that dangerous path once again.

...2 hours later...

My other Jobs had been completed, and I was now at home relaxing as Hilary had no need for me  until my shift, so she sent me home, which I wasn't going to complain about it as I really needed  even just that little bit of time just to step away and get my self in a good mindset for the night ahead

Sadly those few hours flew by, and it was now time for me to get up and get ready. As I started putting the uniform on, reality began to set in, and I realised that this was actually happening and there was no way out. As I'm finishing up, I get a sudden knock on my door "come in," I say, checking myself out in the mirror one last time " Addie Tahlia Sinco, I just got a call from Joshua's mother she told me your working in the bar tonight is this true " all I could do was sigh I then turn to see my mother looking more concerned than ever.

" yes, it's true, and I know you are concerned, mum. I tried to get out of it, but Hilary could see I was starting to panic, and you know I don't want to have to explain everything to her as I would for sure get fired " my mother copied my before actions and lets out,, a sigh while waddling over and sitting on my bed and she follows all this by patting the spot beside her indicating she wants me to sit beside her " Addie I never liked your boss I always thought she was a bit of a bitch"  my eyes grow wide at my mother "mum"  she doesn't say anything, but instead she traps me in a rather tight hug it was that tight I couldn't breathe " m-um t-t-o t-ig-ght'' she soon releases me " sorry bub I just don't want to see you go down the dark road again I don't think either your father or I could handle it ".

I bring her in for another hug. There was no way I wanted to put my parents through all that bullshit again. Even just the thought of it brought me to tears. Mum sees my sudden outburst of tears, and she brings her hand to my cheeks and softly wipes them away " ok, Addie, no more tears. You need to get going, or you're going to be late, and you don't want to make Miss Bitchy upset " I roll my eyes at her comment and stand and head for the door. I  reach my car, hoping in, and before I leave, I'm greeted by mum and dad waving from the door, and I can't help but smile. I take one last deep breath before heading to work.

All I could think of right now was I wanted this shift to be over already...

"Ahh, Addie, your here. Thank you again for doing this shift, " Hilary says as I hop out of my car "it's not like I had a choice, " I mumble under my breath " .

I head straight for the bar before she can say anything else to me, but she follows straight behind me anyway " ok, so Addie, the bar is booked tonight for a private booking. The booking is a farewell, and it's looking like a party of 150, so it will be you and Lana at the bar and Mark and Tracey waitressing. Have you got any questions before I leave you to it " I shake my head, no, and without another word, she thanks me again and goes.

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