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" oi miss I've been waiting like half an hour for one damn fucking drink the same guy I've seen at least three times tonight is yelling at me once again ."sir as you can see it's only me in the bar tonight and there are a lot of people waiting for a drink so either shut the fuck up and wait your turn or get the hell out

He furrows his brows and looks at me in disgust but then decides to quiet down and join the line of the many people that were before him. My eyes wander to the clock and I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief seeing there was one hour to go and this would all be over and I wouldn't have to step foot in this place ever again well in the bar part.

.... 1HOUR LATER...

the shift was finally over and all I had left to do was clean up I go around to all the tables collecting the glasses that the party guests left on the tables " what a surprise to see you here still" the sudden voice gives me a fright when turn around standing before me was the impatient guy from earlier just seeing his face caused me to scoff " sir the party has ended you can't be in here please see yourself out" the guy chuckles and completely ignores what I tell him and takes a seat at the bar " no love you see Hilary and I go way back so she said I could be in here as long as I want so you better be nice or I might just a have a word with her about that disgraceful behaviour earlier hmmm".

I sigh I was in a hard place but I had no choice I make my way back behind the bar " what can I get you sir " he looks over the selection of drinks" hmmm let's make it two glasses of your most expensive scotch " I grab two glasses and prepare his drinks before placing them in front of me I go to continue cleaning but then a glass is being slid in front of me " you didn't think I was drinking alone did you love " I slide the drink back to him" sorry sir but I don't drink " again he doesn't listen and slides the drink back to me " well love you either drink or I tell Hilary she has lost one of her biggest sales and did I forget to mention I own this joint so it be a shame for it to close "

This situation was just getting worse and worse as I see it I have two choices I don't take the drink and this guy closes the place down and tells Hilary I treated him badly or two I take this drink and everything goes away but I risk everything I have worked for. I look down at the glass and pick it up " good girl bottoms up " he clinks his glass against mine and we both bring the glass to our lips here goes the liquid enters my mouth and as I swallow I can feel a subtle burning sensation as it runs down my throat " now see that wasn't so bad was it now another "

.... the next morning...

The sun shines directly on my face causing me to groan " ahh fuck" holding my head as I sit up I observe the place around me this wasn't my house and this definitely wasn't the hotel I feel a body suddenly move beside me " well hello love sleep well " it was the guy from last night I then look down and see I'm completely naked what have I done " where the hell am I and what happened last night " he chuckles hopping up and grabbing his pants and throwing me my close" well love lets just say you had a lot to drink last night and you just couldn't stop and let's just say after about 6 drinks you just couldn't take your hands off me but may I say you were a really good shag I can tell you have had some practice.

The feeling of sickness grew in my stomach I knew this would happen I look at the time to see it was nearly 11 " fuck Im late for work " I scurry around trying to put on the clothes but I'm soon being stopped" love there's no need I called Hilary saying you did such a great job last night that you deserve a day off and she happily agreed "

" I still need to get home my parent would be so worried " there is a glass being shoved in my face " come on love you had fun didn't you let me show you just how much fun we can have

fuck it I think to myself and instead of grabbing the glass I snatch the bottle from his other hand chugging half the bottle I had to admit I kinda missed how the burning feeling made me feel ...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2023 ⏰

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