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.... Tony's Pov....

" ok, ok, everyone, settle down. We now know our parts for the Mission. Let's meet back here in, say, an hour or so. That gives me time to get the final bits and pieces ready, so then we can get this show on the road" I slam my hands onto the desk expecting everyone to up and leave, but instead, they all just sat there and gawked at me.

" Uh, did I just say sit there and gawk at me no, I said fucking move, so everyone get the hell out" This time, everyone listens to me, and they quickly scurry out of the room in fear of making me even more upset I take a seat thinking everyone had left, but my ears are soon filled with a rather loud throat clearing my eyes wander towards the door and there stood a concerned looking Nat "what do you want Nat you have work to do, and I have so much shit to do before the mission"

She this time let out a sigh " Tony, you know what I'm going to ask, so why don't you spare me the bullshit and you tell me where the hell is Steve and why hasn't he been here and going on missions" I knew I was going to have to eventually spill the beans sooner or later but I really didn't think it would be this soon."Nat, I would love to explain everything to you, but I think it's better that I take you to Steve, and you can hear everything from him" Nat now looks more confused than ever. It takes her a few minutes, but she finally agrees to let me take her to Steve. My only concern would Steve let us see him.

.. A 2-hour car ride later...

" I park the car, and Nat gives the same confused look as before " Tony, what are we doing here " I don't say a word, but instead, I lead us into the giant building that stood before us . Once we got inside we were greeted by a perky young lady" well hello hello welcome to the New Orleans sunshine addiction clinic how may I assist you today."

" uh yes, hello I am Mr Stark and my colleague and I are here to visit Mr Rogers" she looked away from us and looked down at the list that sat on the desk beside her " Mr Stark, I'm so sorry, but it looks like Mr Rogers isn't accepting visitors today." I look to Nat, who looks like she has about a million questions. My eyes then wander to the perky lady's name badge.

" Nancy, may I call you Nanc I know that list says he wants no visitors, but this is quite an urgent matter. You see we have a very sick family member that's very close with Mr Rogers so I would like to give him the bad news so if it's possible could you go ask Mr Rogers if he would so Kindly change his mind please and thank you " Nancy nod and steps away from the desk leaving Nat and I alone.

" Stark, what the hell is going on you better start explaining what is going on ", Nat crosses her arms in annoyance. "Nat, I assure you everything will be explained shortly ".

"Stark, you heard the lady Steve doesn't want visitors" Nancy soon returns and has a happy look on her face " good news, Mr stark, Mr Rogers has agreed to see you for a few minutes. I'm assuming you know the way to the visitor's room " I nod and give her a wink " yes, Nanc, I do, but again thank you for your help."

I'm soon leading Nat down a long hallway. She looked slightly scared. Well, you would be, too the lights flickered on and off, and in the distance, you could hear the faint screams from the other patients that were in obvious pain.

We finally reached our destination. It was a small room with an off-white couch on one side of the room, and on the other side sat a small ratty table and chair that were in desperate need of repair. Nat rushes away from my side and enters the arms of Steve, who I didn't notice was occupying one of the ratty chairs. "Steve, why are you here what's going on Stark wouldn't tell me anything," Nat says on the verge of tears. He doesn't reply to her but instead looks straight at me " what the Fuck, Stark you said this was about a sick family member. You promised no one would find out I was here ".

I sighed " Rogers, yes, I know I did make that promise, but deep down, you knew eventually someone would come and ask questions. Please, Steve, just let her in and explain everything to her" he looked to Nat, who just wants to know what the hell was going on " fine but no one else Stark" I nod. We all take a seat and get as comfortable as we can.


'Steve, that is what the 4th girl you have slept with this week ", Steve chuckles, popping four white pills into his mouth " Stark, that is the 28th girl I have brought home today " Tony's jaw opened so wide that it nearly looks like it could break off ." Steve, is this happening every day " Steve nodded at the question he was being asked. Soon, another concern crossed Tony's mind " and Rogers, what the fuck are those pills that you keep ingesting like candy"

Steve pulled out a rather small packet from his pocket that contained what looked like at least thirty or more of the little white pill" well, you know, being a super solider , alcohol and drugs usually do nothing for me, but one of Bucky's mates from the dark web hit me up with these they are called pixel links, and they give me such a fucking high, and I love it

....end of flashback.....

" so then uhh, last month Tony found me passed out on the floor with some random girl, and we had worked out I was sleeping with at least 20-30 girls a day, so that when I finally decided to admit to myself and Tony that I have a sex and drug addiction, so Tony brought me here to get the help I need and I have been getting better " a wolf whistle fills the room and all our eyes make their way to the door where stood a young girl who looked at least 30 " hey Stevie I'll see you tonight in my room for our appointment " she winks and then leaves us all alone again forcing Nat and I to look back at guilty looking Steve who just puts his hands up in offence

" I did say Stark I was slowly getting better"......

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