Layla/ Mr. Williams Answers

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If Sebastian didn't know I was here, he was looking for me. If Sebastian was looking for me, my family was looking for me. I was going to be saved. This small, but monumental fact changed everything. I now have confirmation, that I was living for a reason. A smile wanted to creep across my face, but I decided not to let it show. Mr. Williams seemed upset about me asking about Bash. I decided against asking about anything else that could be about my inevitable rescue.

"You have cameras here," I asked with an inquisitive tone.

"Is that a question?" Mr. Williams asked, still tense, still annoyed.

"Can I see them?" I asked as I picked up my fork.

"Yes." Mr. Williams answered. Tensions still seemed high so I started poking at my food.

"How often will you visit?" I asked and I watched Mr. Williams grow cautious and timid. Mr. Williams looked at me, and I looked into his eyes. I recognized enough of Sebastian in him, I knew I could do this. Foundation has been laid.

"I'm only asking for logistics and..." I started, I intentionally broke off.

"Logistics?" Mr. Williams asked, he was intrigued and seemed to shake off what was bothering him a minute ago.

"Well logistically speaking, I can't leave. I can't take the trash out myself, I can't buy groceries, and I don't currently have a way to do laundry unless I utilize the bathtub. I can't go out and buy new material..." I listed a few things and let him realize and understand my predicament.

"Oh, about all that. I will get you everything you need. As for the laundry situation, I have a plans for the installation for a washer and dryer going into the large closet in the bathroom soon. I can get you laundry detergent and a drying rack for now. When we shop for new things, we can get you a bunch of clothes. I personally hope to be around every few days so I can take out any waste, and replenish your food supplies." Mr. Williams explained and then followed up with "You were asking for logistics, and...?" Mr. Williams asked.

"I was wondering how often to expect you because, well... it has been rather lonely here," I said it was a real truth, but in a way that framed me better in Mr. Williams's eyes. I looked over at him and watched as his gaze on me softened.

"During this beginning stage, I will try to get out here every few days. I am sorry you have been feeling lonely. I wanted to give you space and time to acclimate to the cabin. I wanted you to feel as though this is your home." Mr. Williams tenderly explained. I looked at him and found comfort in his soft tender eyes.

"If it's really mine, could I redecorate?" I asked with a hint of strategic enthusiasm. Mr. Williams almost seemed relieved that I was excited.
"As a reward for you not trying to escape earlier tonight, we can redecorate anyway you would like. As a bonus, I will get every movie or TV show you would like." Mr. Williams said happily.

"Thank you, Mr. Williams," I said and I started eating. Mr. Williams watched me for just a few moments and then he began eating as well.

Mr. Williams

Layla and I began to eat in silence. Layla was so quiet. I kept watching her, but it was out of a need to confirm to myself that she was eating. I had watched her for the past few days and she just ate a minimal amount of food. Layla didn't snack out of boredom, she kept to her routine. Coming here to dinner tonight was self-serving. I needed to see Layla again, I needed to smell her, I needed to see the light in her eyes. I needed to get her to eat. I had a decent amount of food left but I started utilizing my bread to scrap down my plate. Out of my peripheral vision, I watched as Layla also clean her plate. Layla ate her bread separately, she almost looked as though she was in a daze. Layla was deep in thought. I wanted to pull her back but even when Layla was miles away, she still had such warmth and light in her eyes.

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