Aaron/ Layla: My name is Layla Whitmore

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Aaron We waited and we waited. With no further answers, all we could do was wait by the side of the road. My father threatened any officer who dared to suggest that we move further away or wait in a nearby hotel. We were not going to leave that property until we saw Layla. My mom and I huddled as close as we could without disrupting workers. My dad paced back and forth on the road across from us. I wanted to say I held my breath but it hurt to breathe. I had lost hope, my mom was holding on by a thread and my father denied any thought of us being too late. It was now nearly midnight when I saw some commotion to my right.

"Let me through! Let me through! You have to let me go! I have to Talk to the detective!" I heard the voice shout. I looked over and saw Sebastian trying to get in. I looked away from him and back to the structure that was smoldering. I debated whether to believe Sebastain's original account. I both hoped he was correct in reporting he had seen her, and I prayed that he was mistaken.

Sebastian ran past us and to an officer who was stationed near the firetruck. "It's on a bunker!" Sebastian called out when he was near enough to be heard over all the commotion. "The cabin sits in a bunker! There is an access point in the floor!" Sebastian continued. Sebastian got closer and moved past us without acknowledging us. He spoke quietly to the officer who looked between Sebastian and the trees. After a few moments, the detective radioed and it relayed to everyone. It was too mumbled for me to listen. I saw firefighters leave my eyesight going back into the crumbled structure. I held my mom close as we waited. Sebastian did not come closer to us.


I was awoken by a great light that came flooding into the bunker. "Grandma?" I asked, but only in thought. I acknowledged the light, but my body couldn't do much more. I couldn't even open my eyes. I heard footsteps come charging down the stairs. Someone stood over me and a wave of bonfire smoke smell settled around me. I heard fabric moving and then felt a pressure on my neck. The fingers that pressed against me were so warm, it made me realize how cold I had been.

"I've got a pulse" I heard a voice call out, probably to others.

"Get the paramedics!" A voice further away shouted.

Someone opened my eyes and flashed a light into it. The light burned me and I wanted to look away, but I was too slow. Then, I was being picked up. I now rested on something hard and sturdy. Something was being placed around my neck and more light shined in my eyes. Everyone was talking, and every voice overlapped each other."

I've got blood on the stairs leading to the pillow, most likely a fall." One voice noted.

"She has dilated pupils, most likely due to a concussion," Another voice said, this one was practically standing over me.

"I see minor burns on forearms and on lower legs." A voice near my feet noted.

"We need to check her O2 in the truck" A fourth voice called out.

I was being rocked and lifted. I heard footsteps going up the bunker stairs. I was rocking and there were more footsteps. We were moving as a group.

"Do you think it's true?" a quiet voice asked another, "Do you think this is that missing girl that family was talking about?"

"I'm not sure, but she matches the description" another answered. "Family?" I thought. Did my family know? Do they know I'm here?" I felt a weight on my body and began to warm up. I was being moved through the cold air. Cold fresh air was now surrounding me. I was so happy I could nearly cry. I was free. I was no longer bound by the cabin walls.

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