Mr. Williams: Our Love Story

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Mr. Williams

"Where should I begin?" I asked in anticipation. There was so much I could finally share with Layla and I had no idea where to start. I had imagined this moment nearly every day for the past year, but I couldn't believe that Layla was just in front of me. Layla was within my grasp. Layla just looked at me. There was such sweetness in her eyes, the eyes I fell in love with, were seeing me for who I am. I was going to lay everything out right now for her. Layla deserved to know our love story.

"Well, I guess I will start from the beginning," I said out loud and leaned back on the couch.

"When school started last year, Sebastian called me while I was at the hospital. I thought it was going to be a regular phone call, but this one changed everything. This phone call is why you and I are sitting here today. I answered the call and heard Sebastian say, "You're never going to believe it, but I have found the most wonderful and beautiful girl in the whole world. I want to take her out on a date." I listened to how Sebastian chose to describe you. Sebastian chose the most beautiful ways of sharing you with me. Sebastian never described you exactly but he gave me such a vivid description that I felt as though I knew you. "She has the kindest and warmest eyes I have ever seen," "I feel at home when I listen to her laugh," I forget to breathe when she is near me," were a few examples of how he described you. I couldn't help but try to think of what you looked like. You didn't seem anything like the previous girls that he had crushed on. You were an anomaly for Sebastian.

After that phone call, Sebastian kept me updated on everything you two did. Sebastian told me about your date when neither of you wanted it to end. Sebastian even told me that you practically glowed with happiness, even at night you seemed to outshine the moon and stars. Listening to Sebastian fall for you was so special because I had never seen him this way with anyone before. I thought that my curiosity about you was rooted in my love for my son. I wanted to know who had captured my son's heart so completely. I wanted to know who Sebastian loved so deeply and easily.

Then one day, Sebastian finally told me your name. Layla Whitmore and swear, my heart echoed your name. I could feel my heart race, my ears perked up trying to hear more about you and I felt nearly complete and at peace with just knowing your name. By simply knowing your name, I felt like you were special to me too. I wanted my affections to end here, but I couldn't control myself. My wife used your name to her advantage. Emily hired a Private Investigator and got all the dirt on you. I read the file on information gathered and I realized that you were a simple and average girl. You have two working parents. Your father is a welder in a factory and your mother manages a restaurant. Your brother is in the military and you were a college girl. You worked in a coffee shop that was situated between campus and your home. You were average, so why did I feel drawn to a stranger? Why did my heart echo your name? Why couldn't I stop thinking about you, Layla? I had never experienced anything like this before.

The next thing I knew, you and Sebastian were becoming more and more serious. Because of your flourishing relationship, I caught a glimpse of you. Sebastian changed his profile picture to one with you. You were on his back and both of you were smiling. Layla, when I saw that picture when I finally saw you..." I stumbled to find the words. "My limbs nearly gave up on me. I nearly fell to my knees at first glance. I understood everything that Sebastian had said up until that point, but I felt it for myself." I got back in touch with our P.I. and had him learn everything he could about you. I wanted to know every detail.
Suddenly, I needed to know you. I needed to meet you.

I took a Friday off of work and I made the trip to campus. Sebastian had morning and afternoon classes, but it was you I wanted to see. I knew you were working. My P.I. got me your work schedule and I went in. I looked for you. I was desperately trying to search for you but I heard your lovely voice first. You were taking orders and the kindness in your voice calmed me and made me anxious. My palms were sweaty and my mind was racing with thoughts of you.

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