The Key

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"Happy Birthday Layla!" was my morning greeting. Their excitement put a pit in my stomach. "Thank you guys so much!" I said as I looked at my mom, dad, brother, and Sebastian standing in my bedroom doorway. They came in from the hallway and I felt the room begin to close in on me with every step they took to be closer to me. My mom was carrying a homemade cake with a lit candle. The rest of her group carried presents.

My mom brought the cake over to me so I could blow out the candle as they all began placing wrapped presents on the foot of my bed. I smiled at the gesture, but with the amount of gifts I was receiving, it felt like it was all too much. I'm used to getting a card signed by everyone. "This one is from my dad," Sebastian said as he set a small box wrapped in shiny blue paper and a bow on the foot of my bed. "Thank you," I said.

"What do you want to do to celebrate your birthday?" My mom asked.

"Do you want to go to a movie, go out to dinner, we could have a movie night here?" My mom was trying to come up with examples. All of her options seemed to be group activities. What I wanted, what I truly wanted was to be alone. I wish I could look out the cabin bay window and just be alone. Just me and the forest.

I was so happy to return home a month ago. I was so happy to see my family again. Reuniting with my family in the hospital brought tears to my eyes. We all huddled together and we sat there for hours just holding on to each other. No one wanted to leave my side and I didn't to let any of them go, either. I wasn't ready to let them go. They were the reason I kept going. I spent several days in that hospital room. I thought the look of fear would go away, but whenever someone looked at me they saw my head wound first. I felt sadness in their eyes as well as fear. I think the fear stemmed from the fear that I would suddenly get up and "bolt" again.

Because we had gone with the story that I needed a break, everyone felt as though my sudden vanishing was a personal attack on them. Because of this, I was constantly being smothered with affection. Although it wasn't expressly stated, I was also never allowed to be alone. Sebastian slept on my floor for the first two weeks back then he moved down to the couch. My mom came into my room around 5 times a night, just to make sure I was there. My dad checked on me before bed, during the night, and when he woke up. I was given no peace. Sebastian walked me to work most days or he would spend an hour or so in the cafe and just sit near the counter.

One week ago, Mr. Williams reached out to me. He asked how I was doing. Because he was the only person I could actually be honest with, I told him the truth. I told him that I was initially happy to be home, but now I was miserable. He offered a "new life" with him. I turned him down because I could never be locked away and kept a secret again. This stopped Mr. Williams in his tracks.

Now I take things day-by-day and pretend as though the last two months of my life didn't happen. I made my decision to lie. I lied to protect my family from the truth because I couldn't stand to have them pity me for the rest of my life. When we came home, there was an initial idea to do a Lord of the Rings marathon, but I couldn't stand to watch it again. I also gave up reading and watching the same movies and shows that brought me so much joy before all of this. I am sure that my sudden change didn't go unnoticed. Everyone either tippedtoed around me or they smothered me. I am currently on the verge of going insane.

"I think I want to go and grab coffee," I said to answer my mother's question.

"Perfect, I'll go with you. I can grab a cup on my way to class." Sebastian said. I smiled. I got ready while Sebastian waited downstairs for me. I put my hair up in a ponytail, but I had to pull lightly when I got to the right side of my crown as that is where my gash was still in the process of healing. The gash is close to being sealed, but I don't want one hard tug to split it open again. When I went downstairs, Sebastian wasn't the only person waiting for me.

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