1 | Memories

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AN: I was thinking of a multipart fic about toxic relationships, revenge and reconciliation. Right now, this is planned as two parts, but we'll see! Anyone who knows me, knows I love to lie

AN2.0: this is going to be tropey, self-indulgent and messy. I hope everyone can enjoy!

AN3.0: please, please please heed the tags in the description! They will be updated as the series progresses.


April 2018

You wake six minutes before your alarm is set to go off. The room is dark and cold, but the bed you're laying in is warm, soft and cozy. Your head aches from the lack of sleep you got last night, having stayed up entirely way too late in nervous anticipation for this weekend.

When you stretch, the warm body next to you pulls you in close to him, begging for five more minutes before you roll out of bed and inevitably leave.

You grant him that wish, snuggling in closer and place several chaste kisses to his lips before he runs his hands along the curve of your spine down to your ass, grabbing a handful, tugging you closer to him. You gasp, feeling his hard length press against your stomach and he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth, gliding it against yours, groaning softly as he rocks his hips into you gently.

"I really have to go, otherwise I'm going to be late."

He huffs before kissing the tip of your nose, "You're right. Utahime can be a bitch like that."

"Be nice," you scold while rolling out of bed and grabbing the bag you pre-packed before changing into your clothes for traveling, kissing your partner, ensuring them that you'll see them later and head out for the weekend's festivities.

A bullet train and several hours later you've reached your destination, just outside of Kyoto at a beautiful venue. The main building is white, traditional with several other smaller buildings resembling the primary one scattered across the lawn.

There are several cherry blossom trees in full bloom where wait staff are setting up various chairs; the wooden archway and florists are getting the flowers setup along the aisle and on the arch posts.

As you take in the view around; the ponds with cherry blossom leaves falling elegantly into the water, the sporadic rays of the sun filtering through the branches of the trees, you absentmindedly run your thumb along your ring finger before sighing and continuing your trek along the cement path.

Walking inside the main building, the floors are marble, with a modern grand staircase leading up to the bridal suite where you're greeted by several college friends, including Utahime, who walks over and embraces you awkwardly, never having been one to show physical affection.

"You made it, on time even." She comments in surprise as you chuckle, telling her how you barely made it out of the house with a certain someone trying to coax you back into bed.

She grimaces before excusing herself to go smoke a cigarette, to your surprise, out on the balcony while the other ladies giggle, changing into their outfits for lunch.

Manami Suda makes her way into the room holding a glass of champagne and squealing before taking a seat at one of the vanities near you.

"Did you hear Gojo's going to be here this weekend?"

You give a curt nod and take a deep breath before sitting in front of the vanity next to hers, turning on the curling iron. It's a subject you were hoping would be avoided the majority of the weekend, but clearly you're not going to get that lucky.

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