11 | Midnight

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AN: just a fun silly chapter, nothing bad is ever going to happen between these two


February 2012

Things between you and Satoru have been great since the new semester started. You're closer than ever, spending as much time with each other and your friends as you possibly can.

Mei has been notably absent around campus, to both your surprise and happiness. You had half expected her to show her face the moment the two of you arrived back at the boys' house.

You're not sure if Satoru said anything to her or not, after your heart-to-heart with each other over break, but you're certainly not complaining. And you don't want to bring it up and ruin this blissful honeymoon period you're finding yourselves in.

Every once in a while you'll see Mei at a campus party but it's never for long. The last time you saw her, she had an arm around Naoya Zenin, and you're guessing that has more to do with his family business and money than anything else.

Tonight you're having another party of sorts. It's smaller, at Satoru's campus house with quiet, upbeat music playing in the background as Shoko vents about a guy she started seeing right before Winter break.

Satoru, Suguru, Choso, and Sukuna are talking, joking, and goofing around in the kitchen while you, Utahime, and Nitta sit around the coffee table sipping on your mixed drinks, listening to Shoko.

From the corner of your eye, you can feel Satoru staring at you from the kitchen. Turning your head, you're met with a flirty grin that causes your cheeks to heat and bite your lip before turning your attention back to the matter at hand.

"And then I went into the break room and he had her pressed against the wall basically fucking her." Shoko groans before knocking back her drink.

She started working as a Phlebotomist, which is where she met the guy she started seeing. And where she found him cheating on her, apparently.

"Such a fucking prick. I told you I didn't like him when we met." Utahime interjects.

"Seriously, Shoko. You're so smart and gorgeous with a great life ahead of you. He's the one that's going to be missing out." Nitta adds.

You hadn't met the man before leaving for break, but you try to be encouraging nonetheless, "you'll find someone who respects you and truly cares for you. Maybe you already have and you just don't know it yet."

Shoko snorts before taking another drink as you give her a soft smile, eyes flickering between her and Utahime for a moment.

When the guys make their way into the living room, Satoru brings you a new mixed drink, handing it to you before sitting on the couch behind you, pulling you onto his lap. He's been holding you close all night and your best guess is because Choso is here to hang out with Suguru.

You've noticed anytime Choso tries to talk to you about your classes, or about anything in general, really, Satoru gets a lot handsier. Pulling you close, abruptly kissing you in the middle of a conversation. Nothing is off-limits with him.

You brought it up, trying to ask why he's so jealous and acts that way, especially with his history with Mei, but he just says he's not the jealous type. You laughed, reminding him when he thought you slept with Suguru and that's when he suddenly decided he wanted to be exclusive.

"He also said he doesn't want to be with someone who is taller than him in heels and then told me there was no way I was smart enough to make it through medical school."

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