6 | Turning Point

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"I... caught the science lab on fire today."

"Fucking dumbass."

"Accidents happen, Sukuna. Don't be mean to our little brother."

You're at Sukuna's place, sitting on the floor at the coffee table in the living room looking between Sukuna, Choso and their little brother, Yuji, as they argue about whether the accident was due to stupidity or curiosity.

When arriving at Tokyo Tech, you signed up to be a tutor for an easy extra credit and were assigned Yuji as the high school student you're meant to help. When you first talked with Yuji and asked where he'd like to meet, you were surprised and confused when he gave you Satoru's address.

Looking at Yuji, it's easy to tell he's related to Sukuna - the peach hair with chestnut coloring underneath. Their facial features are incredibly similar as well, albeit, Yuji's are less prominent and softer, not to mention the lack of facial tattoos.

But Choso, he looks so much different from the other two.

"I'm sorry, wait," your brows are furrowed, an obvious look of confusion on your face, "you're all brothers?"

Sukuna's sitting on the couch, legs spread wide, cigarette in his mouth, "Yuji's mom is Choso's dad. I'm some random mix of the two but don't care enough to figure it out. Choso's got some other brothers, I guess."

"I- wait what?" You look at Yuji who shrugs but you don't worry about dwelling on it too much after hearing Shoko and Satoru walk through the front door together.

"Hey, babe," Satoru says casually as he takes a seat on the floor next to you, "whatcha doin'?"

You cock your head towards Satoru with a small smile, flushed cheeks because even though it's been two weeks since your date, he still calls you babe, "tutoring Yuji in Geometry and Biology."

"Mm," he's grinning, tucking a few loose strands of hair behind your ear, letting his fingers linger on your neck, "if you ever need tutoring, we could study anatomy."

"Wow. That was genuinely... terrible." You scoff before rolling your eyes while Yuji rifles through his backpack.

He finally moves his hand off you before leaning forward on the coffee table, resting his head in his arms, "damn, and here I thought that would work."

"You're too much," you reply with a soft laugh, watching as his eyes flicker over your features and down to your lips several times before he sighs, turning his attention to talk with Sukuna.

Gathering a few papers you printed with problems reviewing the pythagorean theorem, you hand them to Yuji, ensuring this is something he's covered in his class before letting him loose on the problems himself.

"Ok, Yuji, find x."

They're relatively simple, but when you were assigned Yuji as your tutee, the higher-ups over the program had explained he needed extra attention, more than any other student, in these two areas.

The poor kid, who emits nothing but rainbows and sunshine through his personality and smile, stares at the paper for several minutes before scribbling for a moment and handing you the paper back.

And you just stare at it in disbelief before looking up, watching him nervously twiddle his thumbs.

You blink several times, trying to form a coherent sentence, "Yuji... you circled x. You need to solve for it."

His cheeks flush bright pink before laughing, placing his hand on the back of his head and scratching at his undercut, "yeah, I knew that."

Sukuna rolls his eyes, calling him obscenities to Choso's dismay, who tries to cheer Yuji on, telling him he'll get it right the next time.

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