8 | Tattoos

933 23 23

December 2011

Your legs are draped over Satoru's hips, his legs wrapped around your waist. He's holding you close with one hand cupping your jaw, the other tangled in your hair.

Satoru's blindfolded with little white bandages you found in his room, ones he sometimes wraps his hands in when getting ready for a fight. Despite his eyes being covered, you can tell his brows are knitted together, concentrating on the movement of your hand squeezing the tip of his cock the way you've learned he likes.

"Fuck, your hand is soft," he moans before feverishly kissing you.

You smile, lips ghosting one another, breaths mingling as you drag your hand slowly up and down his smooth cock, "mm, soft is good?"

You know the answer, but it doesn't stop you from asking. Not when you get to hear those little breathy moans he lets slip past his lips before answering.

"Y-yes, soft is good, mm, so good," you're teasing him the same way he teases you. It's almost like a form of torture, how you won't go any faster, won't squeeze any harder.

You plant your lips on his tenderly, almost lazily, listening to the content sigh that slips out before he groans in annoyance, "Stop fuckin' teasing me."

A smile spreads across your lips as you giggle, letting go of his hard length to run your hands up his sinewy abdominals and chest while he rips the bandage off just enough to show one of his crystalline eyes.

"Ha- you bitch, see how you like it," He's grinning, pushing you back on the bed, using one hand to hold your wrists over your head, the other to roll a condom down his length before pushing into you.

He moves with slow, teasing strokes but he's kissing you sweetly as your back arches, pressing your soft tits against his chest.

The two of you mostly spend your weekends with each other, locked away in his room out of sight from everyone else.

Satoru would be mortified if his friends ever found out how intimate and softer he is with you alone. How you've spent more of the days just being with each other, talking and listening than fucking.

There's been plenty of that too, conversation turning into kissing, turning into him fucking you senseless and then telling you how good you did for him.

It's mindless and self-indulgent with each other.

He's learning how good it can be with a partner who is only with him. Someone who's learning his pace and can keep up with him, match the thrusts of his hips and the tempo he sets to make it better for you both.

You've learned the way he likes a lot of things too, both to his enjoyment and annoyance because you take too much pleasure in teasing him about it.

Satoru likes to experiment, open to trying virtually anything. He'd be embarrassed if his friends ever found out about how much he complains about you teasing him but doesn't do anything to stop it, or the way he moans and whimpers when you ride just the tip in short teasing bursts.

You spend a lot of time just touching each other, exploring each other's bodies - not always sexually. You'll find yourself on his bed, legs wrapped around his waist while his are splayed out in front of him. Fingertips ghost over each other's skin, leaving goosebumps behind, finding each other's ticklish spots, which areas make you smile and giggle and which make you blush.

Satoru likes to see you in any and every position he can come up with; ropes, restraints, toys, nothing is off-limits with him. And he's just as open to trying anything you want as well, which is how he ended up blindfolded with you teasing him before fucking into you.

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