4 | Bottoms Up

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"Gojo's really into you," Nitta says randomly, causing you to sputter into your drink.

It's Saturday, and you're getting ready to go to his place for the party they're hosting - apparently they have parties more often than they don't, which just kind of makes sense, based on the little you know about the three.

"How could you possibly know that?" You ask curiously after coughing a few times; your drink had gone down the wrong pipe in your surprise.

Nitta, the angel that she is, managed to score a few bottles of various alcohol from some upperclassmen. Shoko was quick to ask if you all could have one to pregame with.

"Could tell the other day just by how he was looking at you," Shoko speaks up after a moment of silence, checking herself out in the mirror of your dorm room.

Utahime rolls her eyes before sighing, she's laying on Nitta's bed flipping through a magazine waiting for the three of you to finish getting ready, "Gojo told Geto, who told us."

You can feel your cheeks heat at her comment, pursing your lips as you put mascara on.

"So..." Shoko begins, eyeballing you from the mirror she's in front of. She's in a low cut, dark green dress that's flowy towards the bottom, "what do you think of him?"

"Oh... I don't know," you tell her honestly, "like, I was really into him the night we hooked up, and I like talking to him, but when he's not directly in front of me... I don't know."

"That's called charm," Nitta adds, sipping on her drink, sitting next to Utahime. She looks adorable with her bleached blonde hair pulled back out of her face, a simple black dress on with her ankles crossed as she leans against the wall, "a lot of people like that about him."

"Are you still planning on going on that date with him?" Utahime asks, sitting up. She's in a dark lace top tucked into black jeans with a small belt.

You hum, contemplating, "I already told him I would. Besides, he hasn't done anything to really make me want to back out of it, even if he is a serial dater. It's not like anything has to come from the date."

"He's rich, so it'd probably be worth it just for that." Nitta chimes in, surprising you all.

"Now you're starting to sound like Mei," Shoko teases.

You laugh alongside them, standing to check yourself in the full length mirror Shoko was just standing in front of. The dress you have on is black lace on top, cinching at your waist before draping past your hips, stopping midthigh.

There's a smile fighting to spread across your face when you think about seeing Satoru tonight, and you relent a little. Maybe his charms have worked on you more than you're willing to admit out loud.

Because saying it out loud makes it real and there's no way in hell things would end well - not when he's so... familiar with dating as you've heard, as he's admitted.

"Has he ever just... been with one person? Like with Mei or anyone." You find yourself asking curiously - not even sure what brought that question over you.

It's not like you think you're that special, more just wanting to know if he's ever even tried.

The room is quiet and you can see Shoko shake her head and Utahime shrugs while Nitta chews the side of her cheek before saying, "I have no idea, actually."

Out of anyone in the room, you assumed Nitta would at least know, considering she's friends with Mei but she seems to be telling the truth and you don't want to stay on the subject because it doesn't really matter anyway.

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