9 | Disclosure

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AN: this chapter is a little over 7k words


Last night, after getting home from shopping, you locked yourself away in your room, not bothering to come down for dinner or to speak with anyone the rest of the day.

You've laid in your bed, thinking about Satoru and all the times you've expressed your worries over Mei and how he's dismissed them each time.

A few tears escape the corner of your eye as you stare at the ceiling, feeling betrayed. You've worked too hard on yourself over the last year to be in this position again, still surrounded by betrayal.

"I'm just asking that you put the toilet seat down when you're finished."

"No. You're nagging like you always do."

Closing your eyes for a moment and taking a deep breath, you grab your headphones off the nightstand next to your bed, put them on, and lay back on your bed, wishing you were literally anywhere but here. Your mother and her boyfriend have been constantly bickering.

"I wouldn't have to nag if you did some little things around the house! I'm always picking up after you."

"I do all of the shopping, on top of finishing my courses and internship. I think that allows me some wiggle room to forget to put the toilet seat down every now and again."

Unfortunately, you're still able to hear their muffled argument through the music playing, causing you to roll your eyes so hard you're convinced they'll get stuck in the back of your head. It's like clockwork with them; the petty argument that starts is inevitably going to turn into something much, much bigger.

"It's pretty convenient that all of these things you suddenly need to do are out of the house and away from me! Are you cheating on me?!"

Trilling your lips, you decide to roll out of bed, grab and bag and throw in a week's worth of clothes, along with any toiletries you'll need until you head back to Tokyo Tech.

Your mother is about to throw a tantrum, you can tell, and depending on his answer will determine how bad it's going to be. In any case, you can't stand to be around this any longer.

Grabbing your phone, you stare at the contact list for several minutes trying to decide where you'd want to stay. Before yesterday you would have tried calling Satoru but that's clearly not an option. He's probably too busy gallivanting around Tokyo with his girlfriend anyway.

Your Aunt is probably your best bet right now. She'll understand why you need to get away from the house and it'll give you someone to talk to so you're not dwelling on Satoru the rest of the beak.

"Are you fucking serious right now? You know all of the responsibilities I have. I'm trying to graduate and get a job right away so I can help support you and take care of the house!"

"Well, I wouldn't be surprised if you were cheating. It's how we met, isn't it?"

This is certainly not a conversation you can manage listening to right now. Not after everything with Satoru. And it's not one you care to relive, having heard it all last Winter break.

Memories of your freshman year quickly race through your mind of how last year you were stuck in your room, crying over a different boy who had broken your heart. How you're doing the same thing this year.

You think of Satoru and all the nights the two of you spent together, talking about your futures, slowly breaking down each other's walls. And how happy he looked yesterday, out and about with his family and Mei.

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