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It was a different time, a different enemy. Sixty men, from Tier One teams, were sent to face down a force of five hundred enemy fighters. Their objective: to force the enemy back from a civilian hospital, and keep its occupants alive. For three days, they held their ground, but the enemy's numbers were too great. The sixty were cut down to fifteen. They wouldn't last another night, and the enemy knew it. Under the cover of darkness, they evacuated the hospital, sending only one of their own to lead the way. The rest returned to the line, and took up positions beneath the bodies of their fallen brothers. As they lay in wait, the blood from the dead poured over them. The sand stuck to their skin like a shroud. Changing them. Anointing them. When the enemy drew near, the remaining fourteen rose out of the desert sand. They were like hunters that couldn't be seen, using stealth their enemies couldn't defend against. When the men ran dry of ammunition, they used their blades...and when the blades ran dull, they used their hands. When the dust and sand had settled, only one of the enemy had survived. He was picked up in the desert, wandering aimlessly, traumatised. He expressed warnings to others of a force so menacing and unbeatable, it could only be described as supernatural. He called them... 'Ghosts'.

The sun hit Lucy's face as she leaned against a rock next to her brother, Logan. She was sketching the scenery around her. After all, she wanted to be an artist when she finished school. "And this really happened?" David asked their father, who was smiling and sitting on a rock next to his oldest son. "So the legend says," Elias replied

Elias was a strong man. He loved his his brave and smart sons, and his daughter? She was a handful, but she was the most creative of the three. She was smart in a human kind of way, but not in school. 3 failed classes and a hunger for an artist career later and here she is.

"Come on, dad. You don't honestly believe that story's true?" David asked again. "Yeah, it's just some fairytale your military pals told you," Lucy said, not breaking eye contact with her drawing.

Elias stood up and smiled, "yeah, I do. C'mon let's head back to the truck." Lucy closed her sketchbook and put the pencil behind her ear. Logan smiled at her a bit and watched as she began to get ready to leave. Elias and David walked ahead as Logan made sure Lucy could catch up.

"Shake a leg, Lucy!" Elias shouted, Lucy groaned and kept running, as she ran she felt a shake in the ground and froze, she looked around before David put his hand on her back, "it's just a tremor, Lucy, keep moving," he said while trying to comfort his sister. Lucy continued to walk as the earth tremors continued. "Those things used to freak the hell out of your mother," Elias chuckled.

They continued as the family continued to walk, "wind is picking up, too...Dad can we get inside? I'm nervous," Lucy said, Logan patted her shoulder as they kept walking. "Lucy we're almost there, once we're inside we'll be safe," Elias said while going up the hill.

One tremor shook the earth, this one was bad, Elias froze and looked back at his kids, "get to the house, let's make sure nothing got damaged" he said, his tone became slightly panicked.

Lucy began to run, chasing after her brothers and father as they eventually got to the street. "Dad! What's happening!?" Lucy shouts, cars began to crash and people began to run around desperately trying to get away.

"It's ODIN!" Elias shouts, "to the house, now!" Logan grabs onto Lucy, pulling her away from the insane drivers of the street. Her eyes were full of fear as they continued to run. "This isn't an earthquake, dad!" Lucy shouts.

"What?!" David questions. "Get to the house and stay there! I'll grab the truck!" Elias shouted back at the kids. "But Dad-!" David began, only to be interrupted by Elias, "just do it, son!" He shouts.

David began to run towards the house, Logan grabbed his sister's arm and pulled her, making her run faster. "I'm scared! What's happening?!" Lucy cries out. "Stay close!" David shouts back at her.

They got to the house and ran inside quickly. Logan let his sister go as Lucy began to freak out even more. "What the hell was dad talking about?! What's ODIN?" David desperately asked. Only to receive silence from his siblings.

The inside of the house began to crowd with dust as it began to collapse in on itself. Lucy began to cough as Logan helped her out, "we're not dying here, you two! Come on!" David shouted, trying to get his siblings outside.

David banged on the back door, only for it to not budge, "It's jammed! Logan help me!" He shouted, Logan went over and David counted down from 3, trying to get the door open.

Lucy turned the corner and saw a table containing a photo book of their mother. She ran back to grab it only to be grabbed by Logan as they pushed the door open.

A bright light from the sky came crashing down, exploding onto the ground. The pavement and ground around them began to crack and break, the land beginning to fall into the pit they had just been created.

"Oh shit!" David shouted, the three began running for their lives, desperately trying to get to their father. Eventually after jumping from one area to another Lucy couldn't run anymore. "Logan! David!" She cries out, Logan turned back and rushed over, grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder as the group ran for their lives.

"Just keep running!" David shouted, Logan kept following him as he carried his sister, the streets were destroyed and soon another bright light from the sky hit the ground.

Logan and David flew back as Lucy was launched from Logan's shoulders.

"Kids!" Elias shouted from the distance...

Lucy was knocked out next to Logan. David cradled her and his brother as Lucy's head bled into his hands. Logan began to cough and wake up as David called his name.

"Kids! Are you okay?!" Elias shouted once more, "we're okay! But Lucy isn't wakin' up!" David shouts back, "get in the Truck!" Elias shouts as David grabs onto his little sister and slings Logan's arm around him, helping his brother walk to the car.

Elias ran out and rushed over to his kids, Lucy began to wake up as Elias picked her up and brought her into the back of the truck as David put Logan in. "Dad...?" Lucy croaked out, small cries came from her throat as the pain began to hit her. "I know, sweetheart," Elias said before hopping into the truck and driving off.

David laid Lucy's head against him as he tried to stop the bleeding. Logan looked around and turned his head away from the sight before him, he scooted over and helped David to take care of Lucy. Their home being destroyed in the background as Elias took his kids out of there.

Haunted Girl || A COD Ghosts Oc Story ||Where stories live. Discover now