03 No Man's Land

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Lucy parked the vehicle as she got out, followed by her two brothers and Riley as she smiled, "let's go pay a visit to the old man." Lucy smiled as she cockily slung her gun across her body.

"Riley, stay," Hesh commanded as Lucy patted the dogs head. "Come on, Lucy, let's go see the old man," Logan mimicked her usage of the term old man as she rolled her eyes and followed Logan.

Hesh, Logan, and Lucy walked up the stairs and into the control room as Lucy instantly spotted their father.
"Dad!" Hesh shouted as Elias turned around to look at them and walking over. Lucy quickly hugged her father as he smiled, hugging his daughter with one arm. "I head about the attack. You kids OK?" Elias asked as Lucy shrugged.
"Define, 'Ok'," Lucy chuckled as Hesh punched her shoulder a bit. "Always, dad." Hesh smiled as Elias nodded.

"Walk with me," Elias sighed as the three followed their father. Lucy trailed behind as she greeted the soldiers who worked for her father with a wave.

"Dad, they're executing civilians." Hesh worrily states.

"I know. Their recon teams round up scavengers or drifters, hoping to find a way into the city," Elias begins, "it's how they took Dallas practically overnight"

"So how do we help?" Lucy asked as Elias stayed quiet. "Dad?" Hesh callee out to him as Elias paused.

"Listen...you kids... you're the only thing I've got left in this world." Elias sighed as Lucy looked over at Logan.
"Dad, listen-" Hesh began.
"But you're also the only ones I can trust." Elias interrupted as Lucy made eye contact with her father.

"Hey, look, whatever it is, the twins and I, we're ready." Hesh nodded his head as Elias nodded in response and looked down. "You three are going to No Man's Land." Elias stated as he walked out onto a balcony. "Wait, for real?" Lucy asked the three followed Elias.

"We've been on the defensive for far too long. So I'm sending you outside the wall." Elias said as Logan watched jets whizz by. "You'll link up with the recon team and gather any intel you can on the enemy, and get your asses back here," Elias finished.
"So where in No Man's Land are we going?" Hesh asked.

"Somewhere you all know better then anyone. You're going home." Elias states as Lucy's eyes widen. Logan freezes and looks at his siblings in shock.


We call it "No Man's Land"...A span of destruction between L.A. and San Diego, created when ODIN was turned against us. The beaches and surf breaks of my own childhood were now mined and abandoned. Dad told us few men got to operate in No Man's Land. It was too dangerous, too unpredictable. If he was sending us out there, it must have been important to him. Still, I couldn't help but think this was another one of his tests. A lesson he was trying to teach us.


"Okay looks like we're good, beginning sector scan," Hesh mumbled as he set up a camera on Riley. Lucy sat in the grass with her brothers as Hesh tapped her, "contact."

"I see it... enemy patrol approaching in the west," she states as Hesh nods. "Do not engage." Hesh harshly said as Logan nodded. Logan was in control of Riley and his camera, wherever Logan commanded, Riley went.

Lucy spotted a few men through the grass. Her eyes focused on them as she hid in the grass only a few meters away from her brothers.
Riley ran forward and began to growl and attack the men, jumping at one and attacking.

"Take them out!" Hesh shouts as Lucy pops up from the head and grabs a Federation soldier by the head and twisting. The man's neck cracked as he fell to the floor. "Clear," she said as Hesh nodded.

"That's the third group in twenty miles," Logan says as Hesh nods. "Eyes peeled, could be more of them." Hesh and Logan stand up as they meet up with their sister.

Lucy and the boys ran for a while before coming across a familiar sight. Lucy froze as a tremor broke out. Lucy paused as she almost fell to the ground. Riley cried softly as Logan reached down to pet the dog. "Easy, Riley," Hesh said.

Lucy looked at the sight in front of her. "Welcome home, boys," she said as Hesh shook his head, "what's left of it, anyway," she sighed as the group moved forward and towards their house.

Lucy paused and looked around, the pool that had taken their dad months to build was now drained and full of dust and dirt. Her heart broke as she looked around.

"Hesh," Lucy's voice broke as she felt tears in her eyes. The home that her and her brothers were raised in was now destroyed. Logan patted his sister's shoulder before the group made the way into the house. Their house.

The whole building was destroyed. Paintings that Lucy painted were shattered and destroyed on the floor as she looked at the sighs before her. "Clear." Hesh states as he looks around. Lucy looked down a shattered photo on the floor. It was a picture of Logan, Hesh, and Lucy all at both Logan and Lucy's high school graduation...

Lucy picked it up and took the photo of of the shattered glass frame. She dusted the photo off before sticking it into her pocket. A sigh came over her as she wiped a tear from the side of her eye.

"Hey! Check it out!" Hesh states as he looks at some of his old photo album. "Never thought I'd see this thing again," he smiles as Logan nods. Another tremor breaks through their conversation as Hesh pulls his gun back out. "Guess that means we should keep movin' on." Hesh says as they exit the house and look at the sight before them.

A crater stands in the middle of it all. Lucy got scared of the height as she gulped. "Not like you remember it, huh?" Logan mocked as she shook her head. "C'mon, his place is depressing the hell out of me," Hesh sighs as the group moves forward across a steep ledge.

Lucy felt a bad tremor as her body slipped. She gasped as she felt her leg go off the edge. She then felt Logan's hand grab onto her arm. "Shit!" He said as he pulled her back to safety. Lucy exhaled sharply as she looked at her bother.

The group watched as a church off in the distance fell off of a cliff and collapsed at the bottom of the crater. Lucy shakily made it to the other side before sitting on the ground in order to calm down.

"You're alright, boy, just a tremor," Hesh pet Riley's fur as he felt his dog whine out of fear of the tremors. Riley gladly rushed over to sit beside Lucy as she kissed his head.

Lucy instantly stood up as she heard voices ahead of them. "Sounds like trouble," Hesh stated as Lucy nodded. Logan synced up with Riley using a tablet as he instructed Riley towards the enemies to attack.

Lucy didn't pay attention as she began to look around. She stared down the crater at the bottom. There laid skulls and bones. Things only she could make out thanks to her sight. Lucy watched as she noticed her neighbor's car in the back of the crater. The old woman who lives next to the Walkers died in the original attack just about ten years ago.

Lucy never lived that down. A woman who seemed so kind and caring was killed by evil people for no reason. That's why Lucy hated the world. Good people have bad things happen to them.

"Good work, Riley." Hesh's words caused Lucy to snap back into reality as she looked at her brothers. "Let's move," Logan said as Lucy nodded, she grabbed her gun and moved inside the buildings with her brothers.

"Stack up," Hesh whispered, Logan got on one side of a door while Hesh took the other side. Lucy stood behind a wall as she waited for door to open.

Hesh broke a window and allowed Riley to get inside. The dog hopped in through the window as it only took seconds for men to bust out of the doors while being attacked by Riley. Lucy shot several men alongside Logan and Hesh as the Walker siblings destroyed their enemies once again. "Clear, on me," Hesh stated as Lucy nodded.

The group continued forward as they shot and killed their enemies. Lucy helped Riley to kill anyone in the area while Logan and Hesh covered them.

Lucy dodged a grenade as she opened fire on more men. She was quick to attack and kill as Hesh shouted at her. "COVER HER, LOGAN!" Hesh shouts as Logan chases after his sister.

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