04 Wolf Hunt

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"Viking One, we're getting reports of large enemy movement just ahead of you," a soldier stated over the radio, "if you hurry you should be able to intercept them."

"Rodger that, let's move!" Hesh shouted as Lucy and Logan followed him, the group was quick to kill any enemies in their path. Eventually everything went silent.

Lucy exhaled sharply as she slid down a hill. Hesh and Logan followed as they all made their way through a tunnel. "They went this way," Logan stated the obvious as Lucy nodded.

They walked through the tunnel until Logan pulled his sister behind a car. "Vehicles incoming!" Hesh whispered as Lucy his behind an abandoned car. They let the vehicles pass by as they all slowly crawled towards the tunnel exit.

Lucy dropped a guy as Hesh led the group inside of an abandoned and hollow boat. "Jackpot," Hesh grinned as he looked at all of the soldiers in front of him. "We're seeing a massive enemy camp ahead," Hesh said into his radio. It wasn't long before Riley was sent in undercover.

"I swear to god if Riley gets shot..." Lucy mumbled as Hesh shook his head, "he won't...I promise," Hesh replied as Lucy and her brothers hid behind a wall, allowing Logan to guide the dog around.

"You've got that look on your face again." Hesh sighed as Lucy looked at her older brother. "What are you talking about?" She questioned as Hesh smiled, "you always look angry while you think. Both you and Logan go it."

Lucy smiled a bit, Hesh messed up her shoulder length hair as he also smiled. "I don't get why dad wants us to protect you? You can handle yourself," Hesh said as she nodded.
"He just doesn't wanna see his favorite child get hurt," she joked as Hesh shook his head.

"Shit, Riley's got something," Logan stated as the three looked at each other. Logan zoomed in on a sight before them.

Standing on a platform was a man with a bandana wrapped around his head. "Hey...do you see that guy in the mask?" Lucy asked as Hesh ask Logan looked to the left to see a man with a skull mask.

"Well, well, well. So nice you could join us," the bandana man said to the masked man. "Rorke?" The masked man questioned as the Bandana man, now known as Rorke, walked closer to him. "What's the matter, you look like you've just seen a ghost."
"You won't get anything from me," the masked man growled.

"Well that's too bad, then." The man known as Rorke said before taking out a pistol and aiming it as the masked man's head. He shot the gun only for nothing to happen, no bullet fired out. Rorke laughed a bit as he looked at the masked man. "Now you didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?" Rorke asked as the masked man exhaled with relief. Rorke grabbed the masked man, "you and none got a lot of catching up to do... Ajax."

Rorke's men ushered the masked man named Ajax away. Rorke began to talk about his plans as Hesh shook his head a bit. "Viking one, y'all  better double time it or you'll get left behind," a soldier spoke as Lucy replied, "Rodger that, on our way," she stated as they got up and made their way towards Riley.

Once reunited with his dog, Hesh got on his knees to pet Riley quickly.

"Good boy, Riley," Hesh smiled as the dog panted with happiness. "Let's move," Logan stated as Lucy followed her brothers.

"Stalker-six we're headed to your position. Don't start the party without us!" Lucy grinned into her radio as they approached a wooded area.

A loud bark was overhead as Hesh got concerned. "Riley! Slow down!" He shouted as Lucy ran faster to catch up with the dog. "What the hell is he doing?" Logan asked as Lucy shrugged in response.

"Riley, heel!" Hesh shouted as the woods got deeper. "Lucy! Slow down!" Hesh shouted as Lucy looked over at the dog in front of her. "Something isn't right, Hesh," Lucy said as she approached Riley. Riley continued to bark at the open air.

Lucy froze as she met eye to eye with a pack of wolves. "Oh shit!" Hesh shouted as Logan tried to grab his sister, but was unsuccessful.

A wolf jumped at Lucy and knocked her to the ground, it's fierce teeth and claws attacked her as it began to try and maul her. Lucy held her arms up and held the wolf's neck back. She screamed and fought against it as Logan and Hesh fought off the other wolves.

"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" She screamed as the beast snapped its jaw at her, trying to rip her face off. She felt it's mouth get closer to her face as she couldn't hold it back anymore.

Riley suddenly jumped out of nowhere, knocking the wolf off of Lucy as she quickly looked to the side to see the wolf knock Riley down. Lucy quickly grabbed onto her gun and aimed it at the beast before shooting it, protecting Riley.

The dog whimpered and limped as it had hurt it's leg. Lucy paused to catch her breath as she turned her head to the side, looking over to find more wolves, snarling and growling at her.

Lucy froze and fired two shots, missing each time as she began to feel the sharp pain in her leg. A wolf ran forward and jumped at Lucy, the girl raised her arm over her head to protect herself.

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