02 Battle at the Wall

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"Move forward," Hesh stated as Lucy ran after her oldest brother. Riley barked as Logan followed behind Lucy and Hesh. "Meet us at the wall." Hesh stated into his radio, Lucy patted Riley's ear as she smiled at the dog. She continued to run as Riley and Hesh looked around. "There she is..." Hesh sighed, he looked up and saw the Hollywood letters on a mountain, "lookin' like hell but still standing." Lucy's eyes widened as she looked at Hesh, "this place is a shithole." Lucy's eyes scanned the area in search of enemies while she walks behind Hesh and Riley.

Logan and Lucy stood beside each other as a soldier spoke to Hesh. After their conversation ended the soldier looked over at the twins. "Hesh...I have a question," the soldier asked. Hesh raised his eyebrow as the soldier looked back at him. "Have those two ever been apart from each other?" He asked as Hesh tilted his head in confusion like a dog.
There was a pause for a moment before the soldier spoke again.

"Is your sister single?" He asked jokingly as Hesh rolled his eyes and sighed, "we'll all regroup at the gas station."
"You got it," the soldier replied as Hesh ran off. Logan and Lucy weren't slow to follow him.

Lucy jumped from the main platform to a smaller one as it shook, she froze as Logan held his hand out to help her up. Lucy grabbed it and Logan pulled her up. She dusted herself off before Logan sighed.

"You need to work on your arm strength more."

"I know, jackass." Lucy rolled her eyes at her brother as he smiled.

Hesh leaned over and patted Riley's side. "Hey Riley, c'mon, search." Hesh said as Riley ran off. The three approached the door a building and Hesh paused, "ya hear that?" He said to Logan. "Someone's out there..." Logan whispered a bit as he held his gun up.

"Lucy, cover us," Hesh stated as Lucy nodded.

As Hesh opened the door Lucy hid behind a wall and Logan hid behind a flipped over couch. The sounds of Riley attacking someone caused Lucy to point her gun at a man and shoot him.

"Goodnight, bitch!" Lucy said as Hesh and Logan opened fire on other men. Lucy reloaded her gun and began to fire on other men. Her fingers never leaving her trigger as she focused on her prey

"Riley! Go!" Hesh shouted as Riley sprinted off and attacked another enemy, leaving him on the floor screaming. This time, Lucy didn't put the man out of his misery, instead she stood there and watched Riley rip the man's throat out.

"Riley! Stay!" Hesh shouted again as the dog stopped. "That's five troops this month, already," Lucy sighed as Hesh informed the team over radio that they had just engaged in federation contact.
"Meet us at overwatch, we need to regroup now." Hesh demanded in a calm voice as Lucy gave Riley a scratch on the chin.

Hesh clicked his tongue a few times to call Riley over as he pushed a poorly made brick wall down. "Riley, here." Hesh said as the Dog ran over. Lucy ran over and quickly hopped down with Logan and Hesh as some friendlies approached.

"Holy shit." A soldier froze as he said, causing Lucy to turn around. Behind her was a Federation soldier holding a gun to some civilian's heads.
"Oh my god! They're executing civvies! Move in! Move in!" Hesh shouted as he commanded Riley to go help.

Lucy opened fire on some Federation soldiers and ran over to the gas station where they were being held. "Logan! Cover me!" She shouted as Logan's eyes darted towards his sister, who was now attempting to untie the civilians.

"LUCY NO!" Hesh shouted as he ran over, covering his impractical and careless sister by shooting soldiers. "Logan ran over and Ilene's fire on soldiers from behind a gasoline pump.

Lucy looked at the civilians before looking at a friendly behind her. "Take these people to safety now!" Lucy commanded as the soldier nodded, "yes, ma'am!" He said.

Lucy ran after Hesh and Logan as they continued to run forward. Riley barked beside her as the two ran after the men ahead.

"Shit! Hesh they're under attack at the wall!" Lucy shouted as Hesh ran faster.

Lucy ran into a small tunnel  in order to follow Logan. As she made her way out she was blinded by the sun as she felt a bullet whizz past her. "Oh shit!" She shouted as she dove for cover. "Push to the wall!" Hesh shouts as Lucy opens fire on some Federation soldiers.

She was quick with her shots and focused on her targets. Logan watched in shock as she opened fire and killed several soldiers just because she was so focused.
"Fuck em' up, Lucy!" Hesh shouted as he helped his sister out.

"Logan! Cover me from the right!" Lucy shouted as she reloaded.

"Got it," Logan said as he covered her.

After a 5 minute longer battle she was quick to get the team to the wall, where she saw friendlies with green smoke. "Logan! Grab a launcher and hit any birds! We'll cover you!" Hesh shouted as Logan grabbed a rocket launcher.

"On it, Hesh," Logan stated.

Riley began to bark at the sky as Hesh watched anxiously. Soon enough the sounds of helicopters broke out and Hesh grabbed Riley. "Easy, boy, easy!" Hesh shouted.

Logan's breathing became slow as he focused on the air. In front of him stood his sister as she hid for cover. "Riley, go!" Hesh shouted as Riley ran off for cover with Lucy. Lucy took Riley against the wall as she patted his head.

"Good boy, Riley," she smiled as she kissed the top of his head. Riley panted and sat as Lucy watched from the wall, watching as Logan took down the helicopters with ease.

"We're clear!" Logan shouted.

"Corporal Davis, you're on transport." Hesh said as he looked at Corporal Davis. "Rodger. Commandeering for transport." Cpl Davis replied.

"Logan, you're on security in the back!" Hesh shouts as Logan nodded. Logan approached a truck as Lucy opened the front door, allowing Riley to get inside. Lucy hopped into the driver's side as she took a deep breath, received that it was over.

"Lucy...relax," Hesh smiled as his sister nodded. A part of her just wanted to go back to their home in San Diego, back to when things were normal, peaceful.

But she knew better then that. Lucy didn't even realize she was driving when she snapped out of her trance into Fort Santa Monica.

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