01 The Walkers

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10 years later....

"Viking-6 you there? Hesh? Logan? Lucy?" A voice called out from Hesh's radio. "Uh copy, yeah... we're here," Hesh stated. Hesh used to be known as David, Lucy and Logan's older brother, but now he was just referred to as Hesh. "Reports are coming in. Dallas got overrun last night. Commander wants another sweep of The Wall ASAP," a soldier from the other line stated. "Ah shit," Hesh began, l"any survivors?" "Negative." The soldier sadly says.

Hesh sat on the ground and threw a ball as the dog they had with them, Riley, chased it. Lucy cleaned her gun as she stood in the corner. Logan had just begun to wake up from a nap as he slowly sat up, taking in his surroundings.

"Sorry I didn't wake you. Though you could use the sleep," Hesh said as he pet behind Riley's ear. Lucy rolled her eyes, "I wanted to wake you up, but was denied that privilege," Lucy grinned. Lucy and Logan were twins, but Lucy always stated to others how she was older by an hour and a half. She always teased Logan yet was always there to support him as his sister.

A sudden banging sound caused Riley to become alert. Lucy stopped her gun cleaning and looked over at Hesh. "Quiet, Riley... listen," he said as he grabbed Riley's vest. Lucy walked over to Logan and helped him up off of the small mattress he laid on and handed him a gun.

"Guys... Riley's got something," Hesh says as Logan grabbed his gear. Hesh spoke over the radio as soldiers spoke back to him. Logan and Lucy remained behind as Lucy looked at her brother. "You're lucky you can sleep through this shit..." she sighed as Logan rolled his eyes, "it's called being exhausted, you should try it some time," Logan remarked as Lucy elbowed him in the shoulder.

Logan was always quiet. Quiet enough to make sure the enemy never hears him before he stabs a knife into their neck. That quietness is what makes Lucy so protective of him. There wasn't a day that went by back in school where she wasn't beating someone up for a comment they made about Logan. As children, their mother used to believe that they had some kind so twin brain communication powers.

"You boys got something?" A soldier asks over the radio as Hesh replied, "Riley does." As the group continued forward, Lucy slowly began to feel unsettled, she always felt unsettled when things became silent.

Hesh walked over to a wall made out of fabric as he took out a knife and began to cut a slash in it for everyone to get out. Hesh paused for a moment before turning back to Logan and Lucy, "they're here..." he said softly.

The group stepped through the slit fabric and looked at the destroyed theatre they had been hiding in. Vines crept in through windows and the ceiling as dust and dirt lingered in the air, causing the light that was shining in through the ceiling to appear beautiful as it was shining down. "Cover me," Hesh whispered as Lucy and Logan both followed him towards a pile of wood and broken objects, the group ran up the pile as Hesh clicked his tongue for Riley to follow.

Logan held his hand out to his sister as she grabbed onto it, Logan pulled Lucy up as she dusted herself off and continued to follow Hesh. "It's clear, come on up," Hesh stated as Lucy and Logan followed him. "This place reeks..." Lucy covered her nose as Logan nods. "It smells like your bedrooms back in San Diego," Lucy joked as the two boys looked at her with annoyance on their faces. Riley tilted his head to the side in confusion as Lucy let out a small giggle at their reactions.

The group continued forward as Lucy looked at her surroundings. "Logan, take the door on the right..." Hesh states as Logan nods, "got it, Hesh," Logan says before slowly walking into the room with the noises. His finger places itself on the trigger as he listens to the sounds of things breaking.

Standing in the room are 3 deer, who quickly notice Logan and leave. Hesh sighs in relief as he sees, "I guess Riley's getting hungry," Hesh smiled. Lucy smiles and gets down on her knees to pet Riley, "well you don't want to eat anything out here, boy. Let's head back so we can grab you some real food," she smiles as Riley's tail wags.

Hesh smiled and watched as Riley ran forward towards Logan, "that sounds like a plan," Hesh smiled. Hesh informs the people over his radio that it was just some local wildlife as Lucy catches up with Logan. "Did those deer scare you that badly?" Lucy makes fun of Logan as he shakes his head. "No, but you seemed to shit yourself when they ran away," He joked back to her as she shook her head, "fuck no, I was cool as a cucumber," she grinned as Logan chuckled at her small joke.

Lucy began to remember the old days back when they were all kids. She remembered when all three of them would play in their yard while their mom and dad watched. Lucy missed that. She missed the little boys she grew up with, now they were men. Men who she trusted and adored more than anything in the world.

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