Chapter Six: Stay With Me

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You slowly come to after your were knocked out by the bell boy or whoever he is...when you look around you see you're in a room with no windows and a concrete floor, you are hanging from the ceiling with your arms above your head tied by a rope. You pull at the rope trying to break it but it was too strong. You look around and see a table with some tools on it...that's never a good sign... you see stairs leading to a door out. You try to move around but then you feel pain shoot down your back from where he thrown you into the mirror. You sign and then say ''great...what a week'' just then the door opens and the bell boy walks in. he is in a black shirt and blue jeans you roll your eyes and say ''so what kind of chain game are you planning here?'' he laughs and says ''well you and your cousin have some bad memories and well this is as I see it only fare'' you say ''well you have problems with my cousin then you should take it up with her not me'' he laughs as he looks over some of the tools and says ''you see I don't want to see your cousin... Halee... I just want you'' you say ''well we are first names now? So you know me but who are you? Or should I say what are you?'' of course you knew about what Payton really did but if you had told Sam he would have thought you were a nut job but yeah you knew about every monster out there and you even went on a few hunts with Payton...yeah she never let you go out in the field you had to stay at the model and do research while she went out and killed the thing but you still picked up a few things here and there and you knew how to act in times like this...and you also knew that this guy was not human... he smiled and said ''well you can call me James and as for what I am...well I will give you some hints...they made some movies about my kind and before that there was the books and also... we really don't sparkle...'' you huff and say ''so you're a vampire? Really? Wow I must really be getting off my game here to let some blood sucker take me...'' he walks over to you and grabs your throat and says ''big talk for someone who is tied up'' you smirk and say ''yeah well don't count on that for long because I will find a way out and when I do I am going to cut your head off you sick blood sucker'' he tilts his head and goes to turn but turns back quickly and punches you right in the stomach sending you back... you take a deep breath and say ''mmm you hit like a girl'' one thing Payton always told you was that if you were ever tied up or being beat up was to never ever cry or show pain because that's what they want and if you don't give them what they want that might make them mad but you will last longer... James says ''you must really be Payton's cousin because you act just like her'' he walks back to the table and you say ''so if you are just going to kill me or eat me whatever just do it already because this foreplay game is not that much fun so get it over with'' he says ''you see I am not going to bite I am going to make sure you die nice...and slow'' he picks up a bucket, what looks like clear tubes and a knife... you say under your breath ''aww crap...'' he walks back over beside you and sets the bucket down and says ''okay now you see you're not the only hunter in town so that mean I have to hit the road but when I do...I like to pack a snack'' you take a deep breath and say ''oh save the speech for someone who gives a crap'' he smiles and says ''see Halee... I can hear your heart beat...and I know you are scared out of your mind but it is okay... I like my meat tender'' just then he cuts down your arm and you bite your lip trying not to scream but it doesn't help that much...he put a tube in your arm and you see the tube turn red and it went down to the bucket... you push the hair out of your face and say ''mmm you really don't know how to treat a lady do you? Well I must say I have had worse so give it your best shoot you blood junky'' he laughs and goes to cut your other arm but just then you hear something like a gunshot... could that be Payton? How did she get here so quick? Just then the door out of the room gets kicked in... you scream for help but then see someone you didn't expect... Sam... how did he find did he know to look? You scream ''SAM!'' he looks down at you and then you feel a sharp pain go through your neck and you knew exactly what happen that dang vamp just bit your neck... you feel something warm and wet run down your neck, you scream in pain finally and Sam has shock written on his face... you scream and say ''SAM HELP!!'' he quickly regained himself and ran down the stairs with Dean behind him with a machete in his hand...the vamp just then bites your arm again, you let out another scream in pain and with all the strength you had you grabbed the rope and pulled yourself up and kicked the vampire across the room into the table   you scream ''CUT HIS FREAKIN HEAD OFF!!!'' Dean looks at you oddly and then runs after the vampire but it gets back up on its feet and pushes Dean into the wall making him lose the machete, Sam picks it up and runs after the vamp but doesn't make it to it in time because it ran behind you and grabbed you by the neck and says ''STAY BACK OR I WILL BREAK HER NECK I SWEAR!!'' Sam stops in his tracks and looks at you... he has tears starting to run down his face...pain was clear on his face as well... you felt light headed from the blood loss and you knew you didn't have much time left so you say ''Sam... just go...this isn't about you so just go'' he says in a broken voice ''Halee... I-I am so s-sorry...'' you say ''it's okay Sammy I forgive you...n-now l-leave...'' you felt yourself fading fast but right as Sam lets more tears fall... you just smile at him... he looks at you funny and you wink at him... just then with all the strength you have left in you, you lift yourself up and scream from the pain that went down your back and kicked the vamp into the wall... after that everything started going fuzzy and you let your head fall down... Sam ran around and killed the vampire and Dean came and started cutting the rope you were hanging by and right as he cut the last part you felt yourself begin to fall but Dean catches you just in time and fell to the floor with you. You heard him cut something...a bandana maybe? It must have been because you felt something being put on your wounds and he pulled the tube out of your arm... then you hear Sam say ''Halee?! Halee! Dean how is she?'' Dean says ''get the car Sam'' Sam must not have liked that because he says in a strained voice ''WHAT! NO I AM NOT LEAVING HER!!''Dean shouts back ''SAM WE DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS!! SHE DON'T NOW GET THE CAR AND WE WILL BE RIGHT OUT!'' Sam must have left because you didn't hear anything else... Dean says trying to relax you ''you know you were a hard one to find but thanks to your cousin we found you'' you try to laugh but nothing comes out then he says ''okay Halee here is what we are going to do, I am going to pick you up and get you the heck out of here okay?'' you say ''please get me out of here'' Dean laughs and says ''okay here we go ready?'' you nod and you feel him pick you up like you didn't weigh anything... and before you knew it you felt the cool night air hit your face... you hear tires squealing and that must have been Sam then you hear a car door open and Sam say ''how is she?!'' dean says ''she's fine Sam just get the back door'' Sam opens it and you felt Dean slide you in right into Sam lap, after that Dean ran around to the driver's seat and got in then said ''ready?'' you smile and say ''dang right I want to hear this thing run'' Dean laughs and says ''you got it'' and you hear the tires squeal as you take off...


Dean drives off down the road while I sit in the back with Halee... she looked really bad... she says in a weak voice ''I am tired'' I say '' it is okay Halee just go to sleep you're safe now...'' Halee smiles a weak smile and then slowly goes to sleep, after she was a sleep I look at Dean and say ''what are we going to do?'' Dean says ''well we can't really take her to the doctor can we?'' I shake my head no and say ''no...hey call Bobby maybe he is close'' Dean grabs his phone and calls Bobby and says ''hey Bobby listen its Dean....yes Winchester yeah, yeah real funny listen I got a problem and I need help are you close to Texas? You are great okay listen I have a girl and she is hurt really bad so we need you to fix her Bobby I can't just drop her off at the hospital she...she's different like I think her cousins a hunter yeah...okay great thanks Bobby we owe you one and Bobby there is something else too...this girl is well she is with Sam...yeah that she doesn't know about his other relationships no she is not crazy....okay bye'' then he says ''okay we are going to meet Bobby at the old house he is staying at about 10 minutes from here and I am going to stop at the hotel and grab our things and hers okay'' I just nod and say ''Dean we need to hurry'' Dean nods and says ''I am going as fast as I can Sammy'' he goes on to say ''Sam you saw her in there right? You saw what she you think she is a hunter too?'' I say ''I have no clue Dean I mean normal people would have been going crazy back there but she was so I don't know she knew what to's funny I really thought she was normal...'' Dean says ''well that's what all hunters want people to think Sammy that we are normal but deep down we are all screwed up'' we finally make to the hotel and Dean jumps out and runs into the hotel I just sit there with Halee waiting for Dean to come back... I look back down at Halee to see her staring up at I say ''Halee your awake okay listen to me we are getting you help right now Dean is inside grabbing all our things and we are leaving just hang in there'' Halee's eyes are not as bright as they use to be now they look like they are fading away along with her... she looks up at me and trying to smile but it is weak...she says in a small voice ''Sam I am sorry... I should have told you'' but I stop her half way and say ''don't even start with me you hear? I don't care okay? I truly don't care I just want you safe that's all and I am going to keep you safe I will make that my job if I have to but I will always keep you safe'' she smiles and I say ''and Halee I need you to stay with me...I need you to stay and not go because I-I love you... I love you so much and I don't know what I would do if something happen to you so please just stay with me because you're all I need just stay with me okay?'' Halee doesn't say anything she just stares at me then she reaches up a puts her hand behind my head and says ''I-I love you'' then what feels like a the strength she had in her she used to pull my head to hers and kisses my weakly but it still had a lot of meaning behind it... I let more tears fall knowing this might be the last time I will ever get to feel her warmed and love this way...and I didn't want to let it go no matter what. She lets me go and smiles then she closes her eyes going to sleep in my arms, just then Dean Jumps back in and says ''okay I got everything now let's get to Bobby.''


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