Chapter Eight: Wake Up Call

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You slowly start to open your eyes to sun coming in from the window across from you... you try to sit up to see where you are but pain went down your back, you cover your mouth to keep from screaming because you didn't know if you were alone or not so you tried to be quite as you look around your neck started to hurt you put your hand up to it and feel a bandage on it you then feel one on your arm as well just then it hit you everything that happen the other day... you look around to see you were in a rundown house. You start to stand when you freeze... you slowly look down to see the only thing between you and the good Lord was skinny jeans and a bra... you sigh and say ''great...just great'' just then you hear other voices coming from the other room, they wasn't Dean and Sam and you could place them so you look over to find a bag with a gun in the side of it. You sneak over and grab the gun then walk over to the door way and lean up against it getting ready to fight. You turn around into the room where the voices were, you find to guys standing there you scream ''DON'T MOVE!'' they both put their hands up. The one guy was older like 50 maybe? With grey hair and a beard... he was wearing old blue jeans an old T-shirt and a ball cap then the other guy was young 25 maybe younger he was skinny with brown short hair. You say ''okay who are you?'' the older man goes to step closer to you but you point the gun at him and you say ''I said don't move!'' he stops and says ''just take it easy okay? Listen we are friends of Sam and Dean and we are here to help so just put the gun down'' you say ''not until I know your names'' the younger guy says ''I am Garth Fitzgerald the forth'' and the old man says ''and I am Bobby Singer'' you nod than say ''wait...Bobby...were you here last night?'' Bobby nods and says ''yes'' you say ''you're the one that stitched me up last night?'' Bobby say ''umm I did stitch you up...three days ago'' you then put the gun down and say ''wait? I-I have been out for three days?!'' Bobby nods and walks over closer to you and says ''why don't we put this gun away and talk okay?'' you nod and let him take the gun out of your hands, you then say ''where's Sam and Dean?'' Garth says ''they are just out making a food run they will be back in a little'' you nod then look down remembering you are still just in skinny jeans and your bra... Garth must have seen you were uncomfortable so he says ''here take this'' you look up right as he throws you a T-shirt you catch it and look at the front it was a faded green with black lettering on the front that said [Kansas] you laugh and put it on and it fit perfect... that Garth guy was really small. You look at Bobby and say ''so you two and Sam and Dean...your all...are hunters?'' Bobby nods and says ''yeah we are now the question is what are you?'' you look down at the ground and say ''I guess you could say hunter or lore expert I don't really all this time I though Sam would think I was nuts'' Bobby and Garth both laugh and Garth says ''well looks like we are all a little nuts'' you smile and say ''I umm I am sorry about the whole pulling the gun on you pack there...'' Bobby laughs and says '' its okay it wasn't the first time and sure won't be the last'' you laugh and say ''I understand where you're coming from'' just then a wave of pain hit you from you're back, you scream in pain and go to grab for the counter in front of you but miss and almost fall straight to the floor but Garth and Bobby catch you just in time. Bobby runs and grabs a pill bottle and takes one of the pills out but you put your hand up and say ''no I don't want it... I want to be awake when Sam and Dean gets back'' Bobby says ''don't worry this won't make you tired'' you look at him and say ''promise?'' Bobby smiles and says ''I promise'' you take the pill and throw it down your throat then Garth sits you down in one of the chairs at the table, you smile and say ''thanks'' Garth says ''no problem Sam and Dean will be back any minute with some food and that will help out a lot once you eat something'' you nod and he turns you then look at Bobby with a look like [who is he] Bobby just rolls his eyes and says quietly ''his new...'' you nod and say ''okay got it'' you go on to say ''how-how is Sam...'' Bobby says ''well terrible would be an understatement if you ask me, this is the first time we have got him out of the house in three days heck this is the first time he had moved from that couch'' you laugh and say ''well should have out him out of here sooner than'' Bobby laughs and says ''yeah I guess so'' just then you hear tires pull up on the gravel drive way, Garth walks over to the window and says ''Sam and Dean is back'' you nod and then an ideal comes up, you smile looking at Bobby you wink at him he looks at you oddly but then catches on. You run into the living room right as the boys walk through the door. You hear Sam say ''has anything changed Bobby?'' Bobby says ''now son...we all knew this might could have happen'' Dean says ''Bobby what are you talking about?'' in a worried voice you smile and walk around the corner and see Dean standing in front of Sam, they didn't see you at first but then Sam sees you and went from anger and sadness to shock and relief all he can get out is ''Halee?'' you smile and say ''who else would I be?'' Bobby says '' I told you boys this might you're stuck with her'' Sam pushes past Dean who is still in shock, you say as he walks to you ''hey Sammy'' Sam doesn't say anything and just pulls you in to a bear hug you say ''oh well it's good to see you top Sam...'' then after so long you felt the pain start to come back and Dean must have seen it on your face because he says ''okay Sam um you might want to loosen your grip there remember she is just stitched together'' Sam looks down at you and says ''oh crap I am sorry'' and pulls away but just steps to the side of you where your arms were touching. Dean says ''it's good to see you up right Halee'' you nod and say ''thanks Dean'' remembering what you told him that night you give him a glance to and he just nods... you then look up at Sam and say ''so I heard you didn't leave the house until just today'' Sam stares over at Bobby and Bobby says ''hey she ask and I told beside she was holding the gun'' Sam shoots his eyes back down to you in shock and Dean does the same, you laugh and say ''well thanks Bobby...okay yes I pulled a gun on them but keep in mind I didn't know where I was and I am too much of a hunter to just walk in here with nothing so I might have seen a gun and I might have had it when I walked in here'' Garth says ''I have to say I have never had a girl in skinny jeans and a bra hold a gun at me...that one was new'' Bobby and Dean laugh but Sam didn't find that funny in fact he looked puzzled as he says ''w-what?'' you look at him then at Dean and say ''umm yeah I woke up in without a shirt on can someone explain that by the way?'' Sam then looks at Dean and says ''what is she talking about?'' Bobby says ''we had to cut her shirt off to get to her back son it's not that big a deal'' Sam says ''she was under a cover the whole time so I didn't know that you did that'' then he looks at Dean and says ''wait...did you?'' Dean smirks and says ''I ahh well umm...if I said yes...would that bother you?'' Sam rolls his eyes and says ''yeah Dean it would I mean she's my girl but yet somehow you end up...'' he didn't finish. You laugh and say ''really Sam? What were you going to say? That your brother saw me shirtless before you?'' Dean bust out laughing and Sam's face goes red, you laugh and hug him. Dean says ''I am not trying to make you mad or anything and no offense Halee but umm Sammy I just don't see how you are her type I mean she is way out of your league'' Dean goes on to laugh and you see Sam getting mad so you say ''I don't know Sammy here isn't that bad a kisser'' Dean almost choked along with Sam, Dean says ''wait you two...really now? Umm just wondering...where?'' you see a smirk go across Sam face and Dean's goes blank as he says ''if you did anything in baby I swear I will kill you'' Sam laughs and says ''twice actually'' at that point every one laughs but Dean, he says other his breath ''I am going to kill him...I am just going to kill him'' then he says ''there was two rules Sammy two... one no dogs in the car and two no...nothing that involves you and a girl'' Sam laughs and says ''sorry my bad maybe I will remember next time'' Dean makes a mocking laugh and says ''ha...ha yeah there will be no [next] time if I kill you'' you laugh but then think of something... you didn't want to bring it up but you had to... you say ''okay everyone I am I want to say something'' everyone looks at you as you go on to say ''I know that...I lied to you but I thought you were will normal...but I also know how hunters are they either want to work alone or with a partner and I understand that...that's how me and my cousin was so I just... I want to know if you want me to stay or if I need to leave... I mean I can never repay you for what you have done for me in the past few days but I don't want to stay when you don't want me if so I will leave now and go try and find my car since I don't really know where I am'' no one says anything... they just look at each other, you sigh and say ''well I guess I will just...get out of your hair then again thank you so much I will never be able to repay you for everything but I will spent my life trying to'' with that you move from Sam and go to walk to the door but right as you get to it something grabs your waist you turn to find Sam holding your waist you say ''what?'' Sam leans down and says in your ear ''who said I wanted you to go anywhere?'' you say ''well y'all never said anything so I just thought—'' but Sam stops you and says ''well you thought wrong now get back in here or I will drag you in'' you laugh and say ''okay but just know once you cross that line you are stuck with me'' Sam smiles and says ''I crossed it when I kissed you...and I wouldn't have it any other way'' you laugh and walk back in the room with Sam keeping his arm around your waist the whole time, when you walk back in Dean says ''now who said we wanted you to leave?'' you smile and say ''I just...I know how hunters work and sometimes they don't like other hunters with them'' Dean says ''well we are not normal hunters Halee, we are more like a family and if you left we would just have to hunt you down again'' you laugh and say ''well truth is I didn't want to leave-'' Dean didn't let you finish he just says ''well good then don't but I say we get out of here and head back to the bat cave I am sure Kevin is going crazy in there alone'' you say ''wait bat cave? And Kevin? Another hunter?'' Sam laughs and says ''not exactly... and the bat cave as Dean calls, it is a men of letters bunker that was I guess you could say left to us so that home for us'' you nod and say ''cool so do I get to see it or?'' Dean says ''well if you coming with us then yeah that's actually if you are crazy enough to stay with us it will be your home'' you smile and say ''well I have been called crazy a few times'' everyone laughs and you say ''so where are my bags? Just wondering so I can you know get really to leave?'' Sam says ''oh crap yeah they are in the trunk of the impala do you want me to get them?'' you shake your head no and say ''I can get I need a key or something? Dean says ''yeah here you go but no joy riding you hear?'' you laugh and say ''fine what every'' he throws you the keys and you catch them in your left hand Bobby says ''nice catch'' you nod and say ''thank you'' the you walk to the door and walk outside to find the impala parted out front along with an old maybe 1970? Chevelle along with a 1978 or so ford ranchero you walk over to the impala and open the trunk to find it looked like a normal trunk but then you see a false bottom on it which probably had every supernatural weapon and gun known to man, you smile and then start going through your bag getting some jeans and a top when you get that feeling of someone behind you, you jump when someone puts their arms around your waist but relax when you see its Sam's arms, you turn to face him and see him smiling down at you then he says ''can I tell you something?'' you smile and say ''what?'' he says ''I think about you, constantly. I have never in all my life felt this way about anyone before. You have changed me, you make me feel safe and warm and I think maybe I finally belong somewhere and I also love you more than life.'' You smile and look down at your feet and say ''I love you too Sam'' when you look back up Sam was just standing there looking at you, his lips slightly parted, studying your face. You laugh again and say ''what are you looking at?'' you turn back around to get your stuff but something grabs you by the waist and spins you around for you to come nose to nose with Sam. Almost immediately his lips were pressed against yours with so much lust and passion you almost pulled away. He puts his hand to your face and cupping your jaw softly while his other held strong to waist. You melt into the kiss and tangle your hand in his hair. After so long you pulled away to catch your breath and you knew he wanted more, he whined and stared into your eyes pleading for you to return to the kiss, you just laugh and untangle your hand from his hair and wriggled your wrist free from his strong grip, then you put your fingers through his belt loops on his pants pulling him closer to you, he leaned forward again reconnecting your lips with more power this time, like he couldn't get enough. You smile through the kiss, wondering if all this was really happening. Finally you say ''Sam...come on I need to get ready'' all he said back was something like ''Mmm'' as he kissed down your cheek to your neck. You chuckle and say come on Sam'' he finally stops and pulls away looking down at you, you smile and turn in his arms and get your bags then turn back to him and kiss him on the cheek and walk back into the house. As you get in you see Dean move around weirdly, you tilt your head and watch him then walk over to where he was standing and see he was standing beside a window, when you look out it you see Sam...still standing at the impala... you turn to Dean and say ''umm Dean can I talk to you? Alone?'' Dean says in a worried voice ''umm ahh yeah sure thing'' you then walk to the back room with Dean on your heels, when you get in the room and close the door behind you Dean starts saying ''now listen I didn't see everything I just I walked past there and seen you talking to Sam and I was just wondering and I should have kept to myself but i just want Sam to be happy and I want you to be happy too and I just...'' he trains off and then says ''you're not going to hit me are you?'' you walk closer to him then you hug him...not like you would Sam but like you would a brother... at first Dean doesn't do anything but then he slowly hugs you back and says ''well I don't see that coming'' you smile and say ''thank you saved my life'' Dean laughs and says ''well Bobby and Sam helped out a lot too you know?'' you look up at him and say ''Dean... I remember what I said the other night... and I am sorry I said that to you'' Dean smirks and says ''well if you remember that then you must remember what I told you?'' you nod and he says ''good and I mean every word to it still and you and Sam... you two are really something you know? And I want you two happy and safe'' you feel tears run down your face and Dean says ''hey now please don't start that...hey come on'' he pulls you back in and says ''its okay you and Sam and all of us will always be okay'' you nod and wipe away the tears and say ''thank you Dean'' he smiles and says ''what else am I here for?'' you smile and say ''well we better get back out there before Sam comes back in'' Dean nods and hugs you again and kisses you on the forehead just like a big brother would do then says ''you're the little sister I never wanted'' you laugh and pull away and say '' play along'' and before he could say anything else you yell ''DANG IT DEAN!'' and slam the door behind you has you walk out you could hear him laugh but then you heard the door open and him say ''oh just keep walking princesses whatever helps you'' you spin around on your heels to face him and say ''don't make me smack you Winchester!'' Dean smirks and says ''yeah I would like to see you try'' you raise your eyebrow and say ''I can smack you into next week and you know it'' just then Sam walks in and says ''what's going on?'' you and Dean both say ''nothing'' in angry tone. Bobby walks in and say ''they are playing odd couple and this is an odd fight'' you look and Bobby and say ''thanks Bobby again...'' Sam looks at Dean and says ''Dean...what is going on?'' Dean says ''wait! Nothing man!'' Sam says ''yeah well I am having a hard time believing you right now Dean'' Dean walks past you and says ''oh and ways that Sam?'' at this point Garth walks in too and stands beside Bobby, Sam says ''I don't know Dean maybe because you made out with my PROM DATE!'' Dean says ''DUDE THAT WAS YEARS AGO WHATS THE BIG DEAL!'' Sam says ''MAYBE BECAUSE IT WAS THE NIGHT OF THE PROM!!'' you try not to laugh by putting your hands over your mouth. But soon the fight gets too heated and you knew it had to stop. Bobby and Garth are already trying to break Sam and Dean Up when tried to talk you say ''okay guys...guys'' but they wouldn't shut up so finally you scream ''WOULD YOU PLEASE SHUT UP SO I CAN TALK!!'' Sam and Dean both look down at you and you say '' Sam Dean didn't try hitting on me okay? We just had a misunderstanding but we have it worked out now...and Dean... I can beat you up and you know it... now I am going to go and get ready so we can leave this dumb and if you two start to fight any...about anything again...I swear I will take your laptop away Sam'' you point at Sam and Dean smirks then you turn to Dean and say ''and I will take your car away'' Dean quickly goes quiet and just nods you smile and say ''okay well I am going to get ready and you two play nice or else you got it?'' they both say ''yes ma— yes''  you laugh because they almost called you ma'am, you hit Dean on the chest and kiss Sam on the cheek then you grab your bag and walk into the bathroom... when in there you hear Dean say ''Sam...marry that girl'' Sam must have hit him because you heard Dean say ''ouch! That hurt!'' you roll your eyes and say under your breath ''two grown five year olds...I am living with two grown five year olds''


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