Wannabe Sex Rival

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Wondering down the hallways to the cafeteria I could not stop thinking about what had transpired as of right now. It feels wrong to leave her behind like that, even if she wanted me gone. Has nothing to do with the fact she is drop dead gorgeous, she could be an ugly hag and I would still feel the same.

But I had just the right idea to cheer her up.

Arriving there I marveled not only at the gargantuan size of the cafeteria as it surpasses my expectation but at the length of the line in front of it as well.

I don't know how long makima wants to be get rid of me but she won't hear from me anything in the next 30 minutes, that's for sure.

Looking around the room I quickly spotted Seo as she spoke with a couple of peculiar looking people that set by her side. One with red horns and another one with an eye patch. That place got its fair share of oddballs.... guess that makes me right at home here.

Thought I got spotted by the woman with the eye patch, which quickly pushed her elbow against Seo to get her attention before pointing at me. Spotting me as well she casually lifted up her hand and waved in a rather provoking manner while once again winking at me.

Not knowing how to react to this I just awkwardly waved back. Getting the attention from more than just Seo

This scene dragged on for an eternity as I could do nothing but just stand there as she looked me up and down. Mentally undressing me as I tried my best to blend into the line.

Though I could feel an eerily familiar hand on my back. Knowing already who it was before he showed himself to me.

"Seems like you understand yourself more than just well with her." Growled the more than familiar man from before to me as silent giggles escaped from his lips while stepping into my sight. "Maybe even too good for an ordinary workplace
relationship, wouldn't you say?"

"You can say that out loud, but she
Isn't like you described her to me. She is the opposite of helpless in a conversation."

"Oh is she that? Hugh- Who knows, maybe she is just so eager to get to know you a bit better."

"Neither is she as bad at flirting as before. Something says to me you know more about her than you let on."

"Hmmm, what can I say? Those hormones are one hell of a thing. They change and alter how we behave in just mere seconds, especially when you meet the right person that is."

Spoke he in riddles while tapping his index finger on where my heart is placed at. Dodging my actual statement, clearly having something in mind. Ignoring my private space as he came too close to me for my liking. Making this already bizarre exchange so much weirder.

"What do you exactly want from me? I doubt you just want to set something up between the both of us?"

Asked I him as I stood my ground, certainly not giving in nor backing down as I looked into his crimson red eyes.

"Why so skeptical? I just know when two people fit together. Call it an indistinct of mine, and what I can see between the both of you is more than just the possibility of friendship....... Say aren't you attracted to her? To that pretty face, to her alluring thighs? To her big breasts or her sexy black bra?"

I pushed his hand immediately away from me as I heard the last part that creep whispered to me. Only now realizing the immense surge of pain my left chest was under. Doubling in pain every second in the same rhythmic beat his fingers taped with.

I held my hand in front of my chest in a dire attempt to reduce the piercing pain I had. Feeling how my breath grew hotter with every second. Holding my other hand in front of my mouth, trying to silence my coughing so I wouldn't get too much attention from the people around me.

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