Desired Returnal

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While in the lower levels of the building carnage reigns supreme the upper ones had still some kind of rule and civilization as the remaining survivors hid up there.

Patrolling each hallway with their utmost care and attention so that it will remain free of bloodshed. But that is not necessarily because of their good intention, love, and care for the people around them, but largely because of their own selfish will to survive this scenario.

The bureau had always a problem with the overall behavior and disloyalty of their workers. Leading to the formation of groups inside of the bureau, which lead to massive amounts of infighting and distrust in one another.

Might it be because of the gigantic gaps in-between their social standing, wealth, or even education. There were by far more factors that pushed one another apart than together, even if most of them needed one another to survive.


Plures rationes et vias eis dantes se mutuo produnt. Nullus amicitia, solum odium et mors.

Nullae sunt exceptiones. Praeter amorem et sexus.

Dulcedo inexsuperabilis libido.

Giving them only more reasons and ways to betray one another. There are no friendships, only hatred, and death.

There are no exceptions. Besides love and sex.

Sweet irresistible lust.


And the bosses and the higher-ups certainly make nothing better with their intentional blindness most if not all display.

While people like Makima don't contribute to any kind of betterment of the climate they at least leave it be, the same couldn't be said about Kishibe.

As it's not only Kisihbe's personality but his more than questionable morals that poisons the bureau from the inside. Rotting their minds and actions with his repulsive mindset of the worth of human lives.

And that such a person took the charge of the bureau after Makima's. Disappearance made everything only worse.

This man is more of a devil than actual ones. And such people order an organization that is made for hunting degenerates like themselves.

Nothing but the purest form of corruption. But at least they pay well, was once more their mindset as Kyle and Kitman arrive in the upper levels.

Meet with understandable hostility and distrust they identified themselves and laid their weapons on the ground.
Justifying their visit with the countless distress signals and messages.

Assuring no one others than Gabriel who was in charge of letting people in and out of their good intentions. And he let them in.

What an idiot he is, though not many question his decisions in fear of his reproductions if they did so.

Their little pep talk with Kishibe ran more than just good as Kyle knew how to persway people like those. Appealing to their narcissism and painful behavior.

Kitman needed only to stand by and smile idely...... Though It went just too good.



Shaking the door with every knock it rattled on its hinges. Certainly, a poor soul that bags for entry thought Gabriel as he made his way towards it.

Pushing it open just a tiny bit he observed who was behind it as one of his red eyes peeked through the slit.

No one other than Denji, barely able to stand as his state deteriorated so much since Gabriel saw him the last time. Bloodied and bruised everywhere on his body, looking Gabriel straight in his eyes.

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