BoC2 | A Mission for one

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Beginning of chapter 2

The Wrong Blood

"So he is like that to everyone?"

"Not to such an extreme extent, only if you're a man, actually even then.... but ....yeah, is how it is sadly. Got enough bad experiences with him for myself as well. The best thing for you is to go out of his way."

Spoke Seo to me as she played around with the fruit cake she got from the Cafeteria, seemingly contemplating about something as she poked around on it with her fork, dragging the jelly on top of the cake from one side to the other.

"Going out of his way? The guy tried to grope you!"

"Don't worry about me.... I got my way to deal with him. For you, I fear it won't be that easy though....."

Assured she me before peeking up at all of a sudden. Trying to change the subject of the conversation with it.

"By the way! This cake is really good. You want it? I am already full... Got a second fork for you as well!"

Exclaimed she while lifting up the fork so I could see it. It was kind of cute to see how much she wanted to lift the spirit of the conversation though I needed to cut it here short.

"How nice of you to think about me but I should be going."

"Where ya heading to? A stroll around the city? Got a couple of nice places in mind we could visit."

"I'll got not every detail of it but I need to head into Makima's buro for a quick briefing."

"To Makima herself? Wow really needs to be of high importance. Mind if I come with you? Got my hands free today and could help you out there."

"Do you think that could even be possible?"

"Don't know, but if we don't ask no one of us will know it. But the only thing I know is that the more the merrier!"

Answered she as the both of us stood up and made our way out of the Cafeteria.

"And if we are then already out of the house.... we could do something fun. I don't think Makima cares about what we do if the job is done. What do you think? Is the nice coffee shop visit you promised me still available?"

I did not even need to look back to know that she had a devilish smirk on her face as I could hear it already by only listening to her voice. Betraying that this wasn't the only thing she had on her mind.

"You sound like you got more on your mind than just this. Is the offer of yours available as well?"

"For you? Of course, all day and all night. From dusk till dawn....."

"As direct as always it seems."

"Hehe, what can I say I like courageous men."

"Then you must be already head over heels for me."

Joked I as giggles escaped my closed lips. Remember this conversation I had with her more than well enough. Though she fell silent. Probably thinking about a way to talk back and one up it.

Though before I could relish in the knowledge that I got her with that, the both of us arrived in front of Makima's office.

Standing there we both look at one another. Seemingly checking for the approval of the other to enter.

"You're ready?"

"Sure I am, ain't like I had the whole day time to prepare for it."

"Well then."

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