Walking Along A Beach In The Middle Of Nowhere

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And so sits God at his freshly made table in the garden of Eden. Waiting for his children to return, day and night as he cries for them. Every day making the table anew in hope of them returning to him once again. Yarning for the day he will be united with them once more in a paradise he created for them. To talk about and forget past mistakes and to embrace us in his arms as part of his family. Ever waiting for he never gives up his hope in us to reclaim our place by his side.

"Follow me."

Ordered me (Y/N) as he stretched his hand out along the gray horizon in front of us. Showing of the nothingness that is in front of him. An empty and colorless beach which only remarkable trade is the black sand on which hundreds of dead fish lay. Regularly broken up by the giant carcasses of whales. Long death and stranded before I was even born. Though still not decaying, forever imprisoned in the moment its life left its body.

Seeing no other option than to follow his commands I did as he asked of me. Stepping after him as he continues his marsh knowing that I followed him, without needing to look back.

Taking a last glimpse back at himeno's and the other's bodies I prayed for their safety in such a place like this. Only being able to look away for now as I leave them behind in the silver rain that showered down from above. As I follow a man I thought to know.

Watching his footsteps I quickly realized how deep they buried themselves in the dead sand beneath him. Ever persistent and remaining, even the water of the beach to our left that flows over them couldn't harm their integrity.

But mine eroded and died away in mere seconds as the rain hits them. Existing only so they could disappear and vanish from existence.

Am I already dead without having realized it? Void of emotions I might have never recognized it.

Looking to the sky I witnessed how black strings descended themselves from the white clouds, the only thing that resembles the normal world. Making their way ever so steadily down to us in a straight line. Tangling one into the other as they made contact with the ground. Binding heaven to the earth below.

"What is this place? This can't neither be hell or heaven?"

"This place is the ebb and flow. The tides of time, a place tween death and the living as it gently parts one another from the other."

"Every step you take here embeddes itself in the history of our predecessors as well as the history of our descendants."

Though this is not where his lectures stop as he proceeds further with them.

"And what is above us is even unknown to me. A part of me wishing that the silver rain are the tears of the angels above us. Grieving for us in their pitty, for we need to witness something we aren't made for."

Speaking this sentimental sentence with the same deep and unwavering voice as he did before. Making me question the seriousness of what he spoke.

"Tell me (Y/N) am I, and the others already dead?"

Asked I him. In the worry that his statement about our sleep was just a metaphor for our actual demise.

"No and even if, death is hardly a problem in a world like this, in a world where demons roam the streets by brought daylight. The thing to worry about is what comes after that."

"After all demons get reborn on a constant basis..... aren't they?"

Stated he in a query tone. Clearly wanting me to ask something specific.

"Why are we here? Why am I walking here along a gray and dead place? What do you want from us?"

Sighing deep out he began to speak up once more. In a much more malevolent and menacing tone thought keeping his composure entirely.

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