Chapter 5

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In the hospital, Anthony anxiously waits to hear from the doctor. On the way to the hospital, Tina started throwing up and then passed out when they arrived.

He sees Ben coming towards him. He knows Tina would never forgive him if he didn't let Ben know she was at the hospital.

"What the hell is going on? I know she wasn't feeling good, but damn. I didn't know it was this serious."

"Look man, this is some crazy shit I'm about to tell you," Anthony says to him, still mad at himself for being so careless.

Anthony starts off by telling Ben about Tina's OnlyFans page. He makes Ben swear not to tell Tina that he knows.

"Are you f**kin serious!?" Ben says, completely oblivious that this was going on.

"I know right. So I call myself trying to help break that addiction, cuz she told me she was gonna stop. Never did."

"Shit Anthony. What did you do?"

"I came up with this plan where I would switch out her birth control pills and get her pregnant."

After hearing that, Ben begins to panic. A million different things go racing through his mind. The baby could be mine? Has she told Anthony anything? Is she going to keep the baby?

"But I switched out the wrong pills," Anthony finally confesses, shaking his head, "so she of course isn't pregnant."

Ben isn't happy his friend is sick, but he is relieved she isn't pregnant. He is not ready for a child, especially having just met someone. He is already having trouble explaining his time being taken when he's dealing with Tina. Although it will hurt, he may have to stop sleeping with her.

"So what did you switch them out for?"

"Just a vitamin. I took one to the pharmacy and matched it as close as I could. The pharmacist said the vitamin was all natural."

Ben is surprised by Anthony's carelessness, given Tina's history. Ben experienced Tina's illness when she was younger. He was there when she had to be hospitalized for months and started having seizures. He knew more about Tina's health than Anthony ever will.

"So which pill was she not taking."

Anthony sheepishly replies, "her seizure medication."

"Damn man. That shit is the most important one for her to take."

Anthony feels awful and Ben is only making it worse.

They see the doctor walking towards them. They are anxious to find out what's going on.

The doctor is very straight faced and gives no indication of good news or bad news.

"First of all, she will be fine. Her loss of appetite most likely caused her to become dehydrated. Then being off her seizure medicine has a number of effects as well. Now there is one thing that you're not going to believe."

Both men prepare themselves to hear what he has to say, hoping it's nothing too bad.

"She is pregnant."

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