Chapter 6

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The words of the doctor kept ringing through his head. What the hell? He is terrified of what's to come.

"What are we gonna do?" Ben asks Tina, who is finally back at home.

Tina didn't believe the doctor at first. How can someone get a false negative? And how can a supplement make birth control less effective?

"What do you mean what are we gonna do? I'm going to have my baby."

"You crazy as hell girl. Why the f*** do you think I would want a baby?"

Tina is shocked, never having seen this side of Ben. He has always been supportive and someone she can depend on. Tina tries to play it cool.

"We need to get this figured out before Anthony gets back."

"He'll be home around 6p. He usually gets off at 5p."

"I think you should get an abortion. I'll pay."

Tina couldn't believe the words that just came out of his mouth. Just because it might be his doesn't mean he gets to decide if she has it or not.

"Are you f***in crazy? Hell no!"

"Well don't expect me to be there then. I met someone. We been talking for a while and plan to meet up soon."

"So you're choosing someone you haven't even met over me?"

Tina is hurt and has no more words. She asks him to leave; she has some thinking to do.

After Anthony gets home, he is in a good mood. He believes he is having a baby and getting married. They can finally put all the mess behind them. Tina is fearful that with both her and Anthony having a light complexion, if the baby comes out dark, he will surely be suspicious.

"How's my baby doing," he says, in the sweetest voice.

This is killing her, but she doesn't have the heart to tell him any different.

She knows her relationship with Ben will never be the same, if there even is one. She's fine with that. She will marry Anthony and build a beautiful family. She has not once thought about OnlyFans since she has been out of the hospital. Maybe Anthony was right.

"I want to move away," Tina tells him.

He is shocked by this. All of her friends are there, and they both have great jobs. He inquires as to why.

"Just a fresh start," she tells him, while knowing it is all about Ben.

"We'll talk about it. Let's wait til after we get married, so everyone can be able to come to the wedding."

She goes along with this, not wanting to argue.

He asks her if she will be ok during the day by herself while he's at work. She is feeling better so she lets him know she will. She does not want to alarm him, so he does not try to make someone come watch her.

Tina has come to terms with the way her life will be. She will miss Ben but knows it's for the best. 

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