My face is just so stunning

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The next day they did a quick recovery session and then the day was theirs to enjoy.

Lauren and Evie went for a walk around the grounds.

"Science was never my subject. I was terrible at it. One time I managed to blow up a Bunsen burner. No clue how that happened but I still claim that it wasn't my fault," Evie said and making them both laugh. As they wandered, they chatted about anything and everything. It was refreshing to laugh with a friend. It pushed all the negative thoughts from the previous day out of the way.

Their calm walk was interrupted by Georgia running over and practically scaring the life out of them.

"Sorry didn't mean to make you jump," she said as she fell into step with them and now joined in their conversation.

As they rounded a corner, they bumped into Millie, Rach, Beth and Ellen all trying to film a TikTok. The youngsters laughed as they attempted to do the dance and soon enough, they were dragged into filming.

"Alright then seeing as you're all basically embryos, show us what you know," Rach said, stepping back and giving them the chance to show off the dance.

They all had more coordination in their left eyebrow than the oldies had put together and they then filmed a massive TikTok with them all in. It was nothing short of chaos and at one point, Evie and Georgia were lying on the floor absolutely crying with laughter.

"How on earth have you managed that?" Lauren wheezed, doubled over from giggling. Georgia had managed to hit Evie in the face before tripping over and sending them both tumbling to the ground.

They were both howling so loudly that they couldn't reply and even a small bit of composure took full minutes to appear.

Hundreds of takes and hundreds of laughs later, they finally did a decent attempt and Millie uploaded it.

With that done, the seven of them headed inside to find the rest of them playing basketball in the reception area. Evie had always had a bit of love for the sport as she was on the team at school so she was rocking it.

"Ten quid if you land a slam dunk," Lucy joked as she saw the size of Evie compared to how high the net was.

A 3 vs 3 tournament was soon set up and a group of the oldest players decided the teams to make it as fair as possible.

"Me, Fran and Zel. Mary, Keira and Jill. Demi, Beth and Niamh. Alex, Ellen and Less. Millie, G and Jordan. Tooney, Evie and Hannah. Hempo, Keets and Leah. And then Rach and Ellie as a 2," Lucy announced. They all got into their teams and sat around to watch the first game.

Lucy, Fran and Zel against Mary, Keira and Jill.

There was something hilarious about watching Jill play and her added commentary had them all in stitches.

"Come on Jill with your long arms you can just drop the ball through the hoop," Evie called.

It was first to three and Lucy's team managed to pull the win with a 3-2 score line.

The next game was Demi, Beth and Niamh versus Alex, Ellen and Alessia. It took approximately 5 seconds for Less to fall over and land on the floor. This of course made all the girls laugh and freaked Sarina out.

"Do not get injured," she warned them all.

Niamh was really good at it and she got all three of her teams points.

"Move to the LA Lakers coming any minute," Tooney laughed.

It was now Evie's turn to play. Her team were up against Millie, Georgia and Jordan.

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