We just want to help

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A couple of days later and Amanda drove Leah and Evie up to SGP. Evie sat in the back, looking out the window and trying to control her nerves. She'd been to one camp before this and now she was being thrown in the deep end.

She didn't think she'd get a call up for the euros but she was alright with that. If she impressed now, it would give her a better shot at tournaments to come.

When they arrived, Amanda helped pull all of their things out of the boot.

"Good luck sweetheart. You'll smash it," she said as she embraced Evie.

"Thanks. And thanks for the past few days. Sorry for making you come down."

"Don't apologise. I will come down at the drop of the hat if you need me," Amanda said.

After saying their goodbyes, the pair walked up to the main building, dragging their suitcases behind them. A few of the girls were already in reception.

"Kiddo! Leah!" Beth chattered excitedly as she ran to hug them.

"We actually only saw you a few days ago," Leah laughed.

"I can still miss you!"

When they were all there, Sarina gave a very serious brief and then read out their rooms. Evie was pleased that she was still with Lauren and as they began to unpack, they fell straight into talking.

Once they were finished, the two of them headed down to get dinner with the others. It was all relaxed and they were feeling good to be back together.

Evie sat with Lauren, Hannah and Chloe. Chloe had been out for ages with ACL injury so Evie hadn't met her before but she seemed lovely. She knew that Lauren and Chloe were best mates and if Lauren liked her then she must be a good person.

After dinner they sat around playing some random board games that had been left out for them to enjoy.

"You are so cheating!" Lucy said. Evie was beating her and she was not happy.

"I'm so not!" Evie exclaimed, unsure how she could be cheating.

"No she isn't. Look at that innocent little face," Ellen said.


"Not that innocent," Lucy laughed, raising her eyebrows and telling Evie exactly what she was thinking.

"Shut up. It wasn't my fault. You were very much involved," Evie said. Lucy smirked.

"What happened?" Demi asked, fully invested. Evie shot Lucy a pleading look.

"Someone got very drunk. So drunk that she re-enacted a scene from Titanic and almost plummeted to her death."

"I'm surprised you remember. From what I recall you were pretty past it as well," Evie said, throwing her under the bus.

"Plummeted to your death?" Demi asked.

"Long story," Evie laughed.

They carried on with their game. Evie won and enjoyed rubbing it in Lucy's face, Demi and Ellen just happy to be there.


The next morning, they headed out to train. It felt pretty tense. All of them wanted to play well and please Sarina. Since beginning to speak with a psychologist, Evie was a lot more relaxed. She had already decided that being picked for the euros wasn't a big deal. She was happy to be here now and that was all that mattered.

This very much came across as she played. She was playing with her usual sense of freedom where as the rest of them seemed to be a bit tighter.

They did two vs twos and Evie and Ella were working very well together. Their passes flowed nicely.

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