Thanks for that one

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That evening the team proved just how good a people they were. They were all so lovely to Evie, trying to cheer her up but also not being too overbearing. She appreciated it so much.

She felt relatively fine until her and Lauren were lying in bed that night. They'd just turned the light out and as they lay in the dark, everything came rushing over her.

The tears came hard and fast. She shoved her fist into her mouth, not wanting to disturb Lauren. The quivers took over her body and she tried to fight it, failing miserably.

"You alright?" Lauren asked, sensing that something was off. Evie tried to compose herself.

"Yeah," she croaked, her voice breaking halfway through and giving herself away.

Lauren climbed out of bed and went over to sit on Evie's, knowing that she needed a big hug and some reassurance. She wrapped her arms around her. There was nothing she could say so she sat there, giving Evie time to let everything out.

"I'm sorry," the youngster apologised after a little while. She sounded weak and vulnerable, completely heart breaking.

"Don't apologise. You've been through a lot. Your feelings are valid," Lauren told her.


Sarina and Leah were sat in one of the meeting rooms. The audio recording of the girls had been shared around and it had been edited to make them sound like they were in the wrong. Loads of papers had been reporting on it and it was not what they needed right before the euros.

"This is shit," Leah groaned as she read the article. How could everything have been twisted so much? They were in the right. She knew they were. Now it was about getting everyone to see that.

"It is," Sarina agreed.

"What are we going to do?" Leah asked.

"I can only think of one idea. And you aren't going to like it but hear me out," Sarina said.

"Evie can't do a statement. She's so young and vulnerable," Leah said, catching on instantly.

"I know that she's fragile but she needs to share her point of view. Not in great detail but just slightly. Explain what the woman said and how she reacted."

"Can't someone else do it?" Leah suggested. She knew that doing a statement would be really difficult.

"It would be best to come from her. I know she needs protecting and we'll do that. One statement is all we need. If the public take that woman's side after that then so be it. Please Leah. Let's at least ask her opinion," Sarina begged.

"Fine," Leah said after a few moments of contemplation, "But I'm being there."

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

A few minutes later and there was a little knock on the door.

"Come in," Sarina called. Evie's head appeared around the frame.

"Arjan said you wanted to see me," she said shyly.

"Yes. Please take a seat," Sarina said warmly, wanting to put her at ease. Evie was a bit hesitant and she shot Leah a 'what is going on?' look.

"I'm sure you will have seen things that have been published about yesterday. There is quite a bit of backlash and I was just wondering if you'd be okay with making a statement- about what really happened."

"You don't have to if it would be too difficult," Leah said. She wanted her to know that wasn't something she had to agree to.

"Would it help stop the girls from getting so much hate?" Evie asked. She'd seen some of the comments and they were awful. Sarina nodded.

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