I just want to feel like this forever

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The coach journey back was just as hyper. They'd not had loads to drink but with the adrenaline and the lack of food, it was already beginning to hit.

They made their arrival at the Lensbury very well known. Leah had the massive speaker on her shoulder and they piled out onto the lawn like a ridiculous hen party.

Evie was on Lucy's back and they ran around the front drive, high on life and laughing like lunatics.

Their family and friends were waiting inside and the first thing Evie did was hug Mrs Cooper.

"I am so bloody proud of you," she said as she gripped her so tightly she felt like she would pop.

"I never would've got this far without you," Evie said truthfully, tears once more threatening to spill down her face.

Kiyana, Ava and Poppy mobbed her as she went over, all of them squealing and beyond over excited.

"You are the shit. I mean look at this," Kiyana said as she looked round the room. It was packed with everyone she looked up to and her best mate was one of them.

"I can't believe that this is all real! You scored in a euro final. How mental is this?" Ava said. They were still stood tightly in the group hug.

"I know. I can't believe it. It's mad. How have I just done that?"

"A proper banger as well," Poppy added.

"Yeah it was, wasn't it? I'll give myself that," Evie laughed.

The party was mental. The music was on loudly, the drinks were flowing and they were having the time of their lives. The bar was free and people were very much using that to their advantage. They were all being taken for official photos with the trophy and they were certainly living their best life.

Evie didn't stop moving or draw breath for the whole night. She wanted to live every second and she certainly was.

Leah had hoisted her up onto her shoulders and the pair of them walked around the room, laughing and messing about, just as they had all year. Except now they were European Champions.

Everything was a bit of blur. It got later and later but the party didn't stop.

"I think we're going to head off now. Ella and Jem are both exhausted," Jamie said as he came and found his sister. She was in the middle of the dance floor, shimmying away with Chloe.

"Alright. Thank you so much for being here. I love you," Evie said as she gripped tightly onto him.

"I love you too," he said, kissing her on the cheek, "And I'm so fucking proud of you!"

Evie followed him over to where Jemma and Ella were. Ella was dropping off, she looked tired but she still had a smile on her face.

"Bye bye. I love you," Evie said, kissing her on the forehead. She hugged Jem and at that moment felt a complete sense of peace. This was her family. This was exactly what she needed.

She headed straight back to the party, not wanting to miss anything. The mood was good, very good.

"Want another one?" Amanda called over to her.

"Yes please," Evie replied. They were all three sheets to the wind and not caring one bit.

"I cannot even tell you how proud I am," Amanda said as she pulled her into a hug.

"Thank you. You've been so good to me. I can see why Leah's such a good person when she's got you to look up to."

Drunk. That's what Evie was. She didn't mind though. It was a nice drunk. A warm sensation running through her kind of drunk.

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