Had your after-match smooch yet?

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Minus the media day incident, camp had been going really well. Evie hadn't been on social media as she didn't want to see what reaction she was getting but taking her mind off of it was very easy.

Her and Lauren spent ages playing Mario Kart and they only realised just how into it they were when Alex came knocking and politely asked them to be quiet.

They took their competitiveness down a level for about half an hour before it was abandoned and they went back to being themselves.

"Arsehole," Evie said as Lauren had just hit her with a shell.

"I may be an arsehole but at least I'm a winning arsehole," Lauren said, overtaking Evie and speeding over the finish line.

"Whatever," Evie groaned, slumping back onto her bed, annoyed she had been defeated.

"Are you two alright?" Jill's voice yelled through their door. Bit odd.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't we be?" Lauren called back.

"Well you're screaming and dinner started twenty minutes ago," Jill replied. Lauren and Evie looked at each other. Fuck.

Some of their schedule was flexible but tonight Sarina was meant to be making an announcement so they had to be on time.

"Fuck," Lauren groaned.

"Fuck," Evie agreed. They both leapt up from their spots, abandoning the switch, and throwing the door open. Jill was stood there and shaking her head in fake disapprovement.

"The disrespect. Poor Sarina just wanted to make an announcement and you two had to be late," Jill said in mock upset.

"Shut up Jill," Lauren said as they began to walk off quickly. All eyes were on them as they entered. Evie and Lauren were bright red, embarrassed that they'd somehow forgotten what was going on.

"Nice of you to join us," Georgia said with a smug smile.

"Shut up G," Evie hissed before sliding into the seat next to her.

"Right now we are all here I can begin. I want this group to be more than a football team. I know you all get on well but I really want you to fully trust each other. Fully understand each other. After we've eaten, we're going to head to the indoor training facility and do a whole bunch of team building activities," Sarina explained. Some of the girls groaned. They got on well. Team building was pointless.

Their reluctance didn't phase Sarina and soon enough they were all sat in a big circle on the floor of the big indoor pitch. It was a bit like carpet time you did in primary school.

"First of all we're going to get up and say our proudest little achievement of the year," Sarina said. They all went around, applauding after everyone spoke no matter how ridiculous it was.

"I went on the tube by myself for the first time," Evie said, smiling widely when everyone began clapping. She knew it was part of the activity but it made her feel good never the less.

Some of the next few activities were so completely stupid that they all felt five years old again. This didn't stop them from having the absolute time of their lives.

Sarina had got the parachute out and played some completely stupid games that had them all laughing from the first minute. It was dumb but they were enjoying themselves and interacting with each other in situations they hadn't done before.

They all sat round in the circle, the parachute in a huge dome from all of them sprinting in with it above their heads.

"We all have to say something that we're grateful that the person on our left has done for us," Sarina told them, "I'll go first. Beth I'm grateful that when I don't understand something you help explain it in Dutch."

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