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'o're te prudii' [proo-DEE]


'in the shadows'


Two hours after the Jedi Temple March of Darth Vader.
Galactic Center of the Empire.

The Jedi awoke with a throbbing headache.
She massaged her temples in hopes of the pain retreating, but there was no relief. At least the room was dark.

With such a headache she wouldn't be able to train padawans today.
'Master Yoda will not like this, but whatever. I can't help it.'

Carefully the Jedi came into a sitting position.
Master Yoda knew about her chronic migraines, so the Jedi hoped he'd understand.
With her left hand she tried to reach out for the commlink on her nightstand, but there was nothing.

There wasn't even a piece of furniture!

Where was the nightstand?
The woman groaned at the thought of some kriffin padawan of Jedi playing pranks on her.
She opened her eyes, but the room didn't seem familiar. This weren't her quarters in the Jedi temple.

Suddenly she jerked upwards, the traumatic memories of the past few hours returning:

"Run, Eveline! Run!"

Jedi Master Jocasta Nu shoved Eveline to the big portal of her beloved library and archive full of centuries of ancient Jedi knowledge.
Eveline wrapped her baby in the grey blanket. Luckily it was still asleep.

"Master Nu, I can't just leave-"

"I sad RUN!"
The old woman snatched her ligthsaber and ignited its blade, her eyes glued to the entrance.
Eveline had never seen her former Master this determined before, ready to fight to die.
For this was the last battle all the Jedi would fight.

And Eveline started running.

A lonely tear run down her left cheek as the young woman glanced back at the grey haired Jedi Master.
Eveline sent a wave of warmth, hope and faith to Jocasta Ni, who merely smiled sadly.

They both knew, that Master Nu wouldn't be able to make it.

All that knowledge that Jocasta Nu had collected cared for and protected all these years wouldn't be able to save her from the terrifying storm that was coming.

The signs of the Force just now had never been clearer.

To Eveline it felt like a wonder that she was able to exit the Jedi temple without trouble, but she saw them coming in the distance.

White armour with blue sprinkled across.

Master Nu had been right.

Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Agen Kolar and Saesee Tiin - all were most excellent fighters of the Jedi Order - yet they hadn't been able to arrest chancellor Palpatine.

Eveline Tachi felt an icy wind blowing  in her face, followed by a dark cloud of hatred, anger and pain.
And in the center of this raging cloud there he was.

He, who was said to bring balance to the Force.

Anakin Skywalker.
General of the 501. legion.

Even from far away she could see the orange shimmer of his irises.

The soldiers marched behind him, following him to do unspeakable things to innocent people, Jedi and younglings.

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