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ruusaan [roo-SAHN]:


reliable one

fun fact: popular female name among Mandalorians


Ord Mantell.
Planet of the Bright Jewel System.
Outer Rim.

Big parts of Ord Mantell were covered by dusty wasteland, plains, stony desterts and stunning vulcanos and mountain ranges.

In these mountain ranges where many caves and hiding places for all kinds of thieves, criminals and all the people, who wanted to hide from the hardships that came with the installment of the new Galactic Empire - so they were a safe spot for the 'Starhopper' too.

It wasn't the first time for Cassiopeia and her mother to come visit Ord Mantell.

They Altisian Jedi visited the planet frequently for supplies and necessary information.

To blend in with the locals, Cassiopeia and her mother had created their own cover-ups:

Simple old, sand coloured tunics with a bandana in their hair to shelter themselves from the sun and also to hide Cassiopeia's grey curls, since they weren't common for human children.
Added to that they wore dark brown boots made of Bantha leather and brown loose trousers.
It was simple and practical.

The capital city was miles away from the hiding place that the Starhopper took, but it was worth it.
The city with the boring name 'Ord Mantell City' was built between large mountains and in it's center there was the big head of the Black Sun Syndicate in form of an old looking castle. That was also a reason as to why Djinn Altis preferred stopping by at this planet - the Empire had little to no control over it.

The Jedi crew left the ship in small groups at different times, so they weren't forming big groups that would get unwanted attention. Nevertheless they all had fake identity-chips if they were controlled by anyone.
A few Jedi always stayed behind for emergencies and to guard the ship.

While the mountains were a hide-out for everyone, bad people were not far, and in desperate times like these it was better to be careful.

While Eveline Tachi hadn't been a very popular Jedi face in the Republic, she did have to cover up her face with a cloth since she was still marked as a traitor and searched by the Empire.

Even the poorest people could become dangerous for Eveline's life - and she couldn't blame them for it.

Cassiopeia on the other hand had 'no' problems whatsoever, because she didn't officially exist.

When Cassiopeia and her mother arrived in the old city, the girl asked to wander off to search for her much needed energy cell.

"Promise to stay in range, ad'ika."

And with that Cassiopeia was free to explore the streets as long as she was able to feel her mother through the Force.

She took out her commlink and sent a message to Neri, but he didn't answer.

'Typical for him. He's probably searching for nonsense in a small no name shop.'

Neri loved all kinds of historic and ancient stuff, which Cassiopeia didn't really understand, but everyone had their quirks, she guessed.
She knew that she was a weirdo in the eyes of others as well.

Next to humans the population of Ord Mantell consisted of many different species like Falleen, Rodians, Trandoshans, Twi'leks, Pantorans, Weequays and Ithorians.

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