This Episode Of Bluey Is Called Hearts.

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It was the next morning when I opened my eyes. A sleeping silhouette was next to me. I put my arms around him and held him close since I knew who it was exactly. I let go of him and got up "Yip!" I yelped out. I sat back down on the bed since it got a hamy in my left leg. Jean-Luc, who heard me, sat up as fast as he could and asked, "Woah, wah..? Wahhappen..?" "Sorry! I pulled my leg a bit." I said, a bit strained. He groaned but sat up to check my leg. I giggled a bit when he wiggled it around. He sat up next to me and asked, "So, what do we do first?" "I'll make us some breakfast, okay?" I replied. He nodded as I got up. I walked to the kitchen and saw Bingo in the kitchen already. She was eating toast with jam. "Morning Bingo." "Morning Bluey.." She said groggily. "Let me guess.. You barely got any sleep last night?" She nodded at me. "Don't worry. I'll buy you some melatonin supplements soon." She just nodded again when I started making some breakfast. Just some eggs, toast and sausage. Enough for all 7 of us. One by one, everyone came into the kitchen, where I had everyone's plates out. "Hey? Who's plate is that?" My dad asked, pointing at Jean-Luc's plate. "Ah. That's Jean-Luc's" "Oh. You mean the French kid on that camping trip?" After a while, Jean-Luc came into the kitchen. "Salut." Bingo was the only one who looked at him confused. "Salut, Jean-Luc. Avez-vous bien dormi?" "Bon. Aussi, Bandit et Chilli du matin." Bandit just looked at him before saying, "Matin." Bingo looked at us confused. "Oh yeah! Forgot you don't know French." Pat and Janelle came into the kitchen after everyone else. They looked a bit more tired than usual but I could only have so many guesses for what they did last night. "Mornin'" Pat said. Janelle was a bit quieter. "Morning.." She sounded a bit groggily. Looked like I had to buy some throat medicine as well. "Who's the new one here?" Pat said, while looking at Jean-Luc. "That's Jean-Luc." I replied "I met him on a camping trip a loooong time ago." Pat simply went over to Jean-Luc and whispered something into his ear. No one else heard him so no one knew what he said apart from Jean-Luc. Jean-Luc looked a bit surprised after Pat talked to him. He didn't bring it up again and just continued eating brekkie. Everyone was eating and we had just normal mini-conversations while eating. Once everyone was finished eating, I grabbed their plates and put them in the dishwasher. Everyone went to do what they normally would. Dad and Pat sat on the couch to watch a game of cricket. Mum and Janelle stayed in the kitchen drinking some hot tea so Janelle could get her voice back. Bingo went to her room to try and catch some well needed z's. Me and Jean-Luc, who wanted to just be called Luce, which is pronounced Luke, since Jean-Luc took a little too long to say out loud. Me and Luce went out since I needed to buy some stuff. We took the car that I had seen since I was little. An Orange Jeep, enough to fit 5 people. We left and went to the pharmacy not too far from home. We went inside to look for some melatonin and some throat medication. We found what we were looking for and paid 13.07 AUD for it. We left and talked about just some more tertiary school stuff. He's finished with uni already and I still had a year left of it. Once we made it home, we made our way inside. I went to Bingo's room and knocked on the door. After about 5 minutes, the door opened. "Sorry for making you get up, Bing." "It's fine Blue. Was just laying on my phone anyways." She replied back to me. "Oh! I bought you some melatonin to help you sleep." I reached into the little bag I had and gave the melatonin to her. She grabbed it from me and checked the label. "Thanks Blue." She then hugged me and I hugged back. She let go of me and walked back into her room. She closed the door while I heard her open the bottle. I went to the kitchen next and found Mum and Janelle still in there. "Hey." I said. My mum turned around and said, "Hey Bluey." Janelle still couldn't speak due to her throat. I walked over to her and gave her the thing of throat medicine. She checked everything on it to make sure it was okay for her to take with her medication. She tried to say thank you but nothing came out. She took some of the throat medicine and shook her head around. She didn't like the taste. Mum giggled at her reaction and just went back to reading something on her phone. Janelle said, "Thank you." It was quiet but I heard her. I just nodded my head up and down at her. I walked away and went to my room and saw Luce watching T.V. in there. I walked towards him and sat next to him, laying my head on his shoulder. It was around 13:40 so nothing much was happening. We just sat around the house doing what we would normally do. Pat, Dad and Mum were on the 1st living room couch watching a documentary on whales. Janelle was in her room trying to sleep. Bingo was in the kitchen making herself lunch. Me and Luce were in our room just watching some documentary in french about migration in birds. We were just laying in the bed when Luce just put his arm around my stomach. He was behind me but I took immediate notice of this. I looked down at his hand as it slowly rubbed my stomach. I was blushing a lot at that point. I didn't know what to do so I just froze. Luce saw me and stopped. He gasped out loud. "I'm-I'm sorry Bluey! I wasn't thinking and-and--" I put my finger over his lips. He made a bit of a confused noise. I was too still to speak but something did come out of my mouth. "U-Uhm.. Could you do it again..? I liked it.." I put my hand back down and he was stunned. He just gulped and laid back behind me again. He put his hand on my stomach again and did a slow circular motion on it. I closed my eyes and leaned a bit on him with my head. He saw my obvious blush and he was blushing too. He rested his head on top of mine and I was maybe a bit too excited. I was rubbing my stomach a bit faster when, "M-Mm.." I didn't know what happened. Me and Luce both heard the noise I made. I covered my mouth and didn't know what to say. He stopped rubbing my stomach and was also stunned. "I-I.. I don't know what just happened! Th-that noise was just so.. So.!!-" Luce stopped me by putting a hand over my hand. "It sounded.. Erm.. Cute.." I was blushing even more now. It seemed that he only just now realized what he said and started to panic a little. I stopped him by sitting up. He sat up next to me, looking away with a blush. I grabbed his hand and he looked at me. I thought now would be a good time to say this. "Uhm.. Luce.." "Yes?" He replied. "I.. Uhm.. I don't know how to say this.." I paused for a moment, not knowing how to say this. I inhaled deeply, getting ready to tell him. "I.. I love you.. Luce.." I couldn't help but stutter. He looked at me, surprised at first for an obvious reason. "Uhm.. Bluey.. I-I love you too.." I was surprised to hear those words come out of his mouth. I looked him in the eyes as he glared into mine. Our faces, inches away from each other. We closed our eyes together as we closed the gap between us. We sat there for what felt like an eternity. I pulled away first and saw a strand of saliva connecting our now broken seals. We sat there looking at each other before I took the first move. I closed the gap again and wanted entrance into his closed seal. He obliged as I explored him. We laid down, not breaking our seal. He was on top of me. We explored each other. He tasted like salt but it didn't matter. I had him with me. He pulled away this time. I opened my eyes after a couple of seconds and saw what position we were in. We blushed even more. He tried to get off of me but I held him there. "B-Bluey.. I don't know if we should do this.." I stopped myself for a moment. What was I thinking? I can't do this! I let go of him and he moved off of me. "I'm-I'm sorry.. I don't know what came over me.." He put his finger over my mouth this time. "Listen Bluey.. I honestly really liked it. I couldn't be happier to have my first one with you." I was shocked. I was his first kiss? Who would have thought that I would have done it. We sat there in silence for about 5 minutes. We could have continued, but it would have been awkward after such a sudden stop. We sat there for what felt like an eternity, not speaking nor looking at each other. It was about 8 pm and that's when my dad knocked on the door. "Bluey? Luce? You okay in there?" We didn't know how to answer so I spoke up."Y-Yeah. We're fine." I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and just my dad was there. He saw the blushes on mine and Luce's faces and was connecting the dots in his head. The room was dim but he could still see Luce just sitting there on the bed. He didn't do anything else. "Uhm.. Well come on to the kitchen you two. Dinner's finished." I walked back to Luce, gave him a smile, grabbed his hand and took him to the kitchen. We ate some Fish and Chips but I held Luce's hand the entire time. I felt lost without him near me. Once we finished eating, Bingo went to her room to sleep, Mum, Dad, Pat, and Janelle went to their room to also sleep. Me and Luce stayed up a bit in the upstairs living room, watching a different documentary on ostriches. It was pretty cold so we had a large blanket on top of us. We were sitting on the couch watching it and had some little moments. I had my head on his chest and he was on top of my head. I was pretty tired so I was falling asleep until he picked me up. He was carrying me while turning the T.V. off. It was weird at first but I liked it. He carried me to my bedroom and laid me on the bed. He laid down behind me and hugged me from behind. He fell asleep pretty fast and I did too soon after.

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