This Episode Of Bluey Is Called Wedding.

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~Mackenzie's POV~

I was so excited. Luce and I bought some suits for us to wear. Bluey went off to buy her own and we haven't seen it before. We were at the wedding spot and some people were already here. We invited a lot of people. My family, Luce's family, Bluey's family, our school friends, and some of Bluey's Aunt's and Uncle's. Once Bandit was here I had to talk to him. "Ah! Mr.Heeler! I need to talk." I said. "Yes, Makie?" He asked. I told him that he had to go find Bluey and I gave him directions to where she was. He listened and then went off to find her. I wonder what she was doing..

~Bluey's POV~

I was standing near the top of a hill, with a beautiful view of the mountain range. I heard some rustling behind me so I turned around. I saw my Dad standing there. "Wow Blue. You look amazing!" I was wearing a long white gown. I said to him, "Thanks Dad." It was pretty awkward since I didn't know what to do. "Well.. We should get going, you don't want to miss out on your own wedding." I nodded to him and grabbed his hand. "Let's go." I said. We walked towards the creek and the music started playing. I was extremely nervous. "Hey hey.. C'mon champ. Don't worry.. We're all here for you." I smiled at him. "You're right. I can do this.." Everyone stared at us while we walked down the aisle. I wasn't as nervous as before but the attention got to me. But I walked proud down the aisle. I let go of my Dad's hand and reached where Kenzie and Luce were. The music got quieter and the pastor spoke up, "Friends, family, and loved ones, we come together today, in the sight of the divine and of you as witnesses to join Jean-Luc Labrador, Mackenzie Collie and Bluey Heeler in marriage. We gather around them now in this wonderful place, and we look on with love and hope as these two begin their new life together as one. Marriage is a sacred institution in our culture. It's a tradition of partnership, of trust, and of dependence on one another to navigate the sometimes stormy seas of life. People have said that marriage requires things like work, like commitment, and like sacrifice - and certainly all of those things are true. No matter what it looks like in the end, however, a healthy marriage always needs a solid foundation. It begins with love, to be sure, but what does that mean? People say they love chocolate, is that the same as the love we need for a solid marriage? Of course not. The love we need comes from willing to make those sacrifices. The love we need comes from being committed to working through everything together, and maintaining open communications - even when it is difficult. The love we need makes the work it takes to maintain it all worth it. On top of that foundation of love - a mixture of work sacrifice and commitment - we can build things like trust and intimacy, and all of the beautiful things that make a marriage worthwhile. Jean-Luc, Mackenzie and Bluey, are you ready to proclaim that foundation of love for one another in the sight of the heavens and these witnesses?" Kenzie said, "Yes." Jean-Luc said, "Yes." and, of course, I said "Yes." The pastor spoke again. "Jean-Luc, do you take Mackenzie and Bluey to be your lawfully wedded husband and wife? Will you honour and cherish them; love, trust and commit to them, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you three, until death do you part?" Jean-Luc smiled the biggest smile I've ever seen. "I do." The pastor then looked at Kenzie "And do you, Mackenzie, take Jean-Luc and Bluey to be your lawfully wedded husband and wife? Will you honour and cherish them; love, trust and commit to them, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you three, until death do you part?" Kenzie was bright as he was proud. "I do." The pastor finally looked at me. "And you, Bluey, do you take Mackenzie and Jean-Luc to be your lawfully wedded husbands? Will you honour and cherish them; love, trust and commit to them, through joy and pain, sickness and health, and whatever life may throw at you three, until death do you part?" I was amazed at what they said. I was being as bright as I could be as I smiled. "I do." The pastor looked at Rusty, the ring holder, and spoke. "At this time, Mackenzie, Jean-Luc and Bluey will exchange rings. The wedding ring is a symbol of binding. A symbol of attachment and of belonging, not of possession, but of partnership." We each grabbed two rings. Mine were silver, Jean-luc and Bronze and Kenzie had gold. Jean-Luc and Kenzie put their rings on me first. Then to Jean-Luc and finally Mackenzie. The pastor spoke again. "Bluey, please repeat after me: Mackenzie and Jean-Luc, I promise to love you and commit to you my whole life. I promise to be there for you when you need me, to be honest with you, to be faithful to you, both of you alone, and to walk through valleys of life together, just as we will stand atop mountains together, too." I repeated after him in a 2 second delay. He looked at Kenzie next. "Mackenzie, please repeat after me: Bluey and Jean-Luc, I promise to love you and commit to you my whole life. I promise to be there for you when you need me, to be honest with you, to be faithful to you, both of you alone, and to walk through valleys of life together, just as we will stand atop mountains together, too." He did the same as me at a 2 second delay. Lastly, he looked at Luce. "Luce, please repeat after me: Mackenzie and Bluey, I promise to love you and commit to you my whole life. I promise to be there for you when you need me, to be honest with you, to be faithful to you, both of you alone, and to walk through valleys of life together, just as we will stand atop mountains together, too." He did the same as all of us. The pastor was starting to get to the last part. "Bluey, Mackenzie and Jean-Luc, having proclaimed your love and commitment to one another in the eyes of these loved ones, and with the power invested in me by the universal life church and the state of Brisbane, I am so happy to pronounce you as a double husband and wife! You may kiss!" After he said that Kenzie kissed me, then Luce kissed me. Then they kissed each other. The pastor started talking about his closing statement. "Thank you all so much for joining us in this special moment in Bluey's, Jean-Luc's and Mackenzie's life! Thank you all once again." He closed his book and started to leave. Everyone stood up and cheered for us. We were all saying thank you to them. We were getting hugged and other stuff until we were let go. "Alright everyone! Let's get home!" I yelled it out. Everyone got to the cars and we started leaving. Luce said goodbye to his parents since they had to get back to France, but they would write or text back no matter what. Kenzie talked to his parents and they were really happy that Kenzie was growing up. He said he would talk to them whenever they wanted. My parents were really happy about what I wanted to do. Bingo was really glad for me and said she could never do that. I didn't believe her but I had to say something. I sighed before I said anything. "Mum? Dad? Bingo? I have something to say.." I sounded a little sad because of it so they started to worry. "What's wrong honey?" Mum asked. "Well.. I'm thinking about something. Kenzie found something. A.. Uhm.." I couldn't speak anymore and I didn't know why. "C'mon Kiddo! You could walk down the aisle, you can talk to us." Dad said. He was right. I could do it. I breathed in and out a little. "Okay.. Kenzie found a place for us to stay.. An apartment the size of an entire floor. Near the house about a couple minutes away." They were all shocked. I was getting worried. Until Mum spoke up. "Honey.. You know what? It's your own life hon. If you want to live with your husbands, you can. We will always be here to support you no matter what." "Yeah! You do what you want!" My dad said that. Bingo just nodded in agreement. "Alright then. I made up my mind. We need a place of our own. So we'll move to that place." They were happy for me. They knew their little girl wasn't so little anymore. I called Kenzie. "Hey Blue. What's up?" He was already at home. "Hey babe. Can you get that apartment you were talking about? We're going to be moving, okay?" "Why? Did you want to move? Did you get approval?" "Yes and yes!" I said. "Alright. I'll be back at the house when I get it. See ya soon Blue." I hung up and we pulled into the house. We went inside and saw Luce on the couch. "Hey!" He got up and hugged me. "Hello to you too, babe. C'mon, we have to pack." I grabbed his hand and brought him to the bedroom. We had some empty boxes in there so we started packing. After about 10 minutes, Kenzie came into the room. "I got the place. Let me help." He started packing as well. After around 2 hours, everything in my room is now in boxes. Kenzie and Luce carried them to the car since Mum was going to drive us there. I was sitting in the car next to Mum waiting for them to finish filling the car. "Mum? Was this the right choice?" I had to ask her. "Well sweetie.. It's your own life. You wanted to spend it with them and you wanted to have your own place." She ended it with that. Kenzie and Luce got in the car before I could say another word. We drove to the apartment, Kenzie and luce took all the boxes and put them in the elevator. The elevator could exceed 12,000 Kilograms so it was fine. I hugged Mum goodbye and went inside. This was the start of my newest life.

~Chapter End~

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