Eagle, Over and Out

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Daisy's POV:

Being stationed in Afghanistan was rough...being away from everything I knew. But that was part of the job. Plus I have no one left back home. With my parents both gone and no siblings I was used to being on my own.

I hopped into my jet preparing for a mission. It was supposed to be simple, scouting. But I know how these missions go, so I always prepared for the worst. 

"Alpha one requesting take off"

"Alpha one cleared for take off, good luck team" and just like that we all were off.

The skies were quiet and beautiful as always, flying always brought me a sense of peace and purpose, one that I found missing most of my young life. But it was always the clm before the storm.

I look over to see my wingman pull up next to me "Firebolt, ease up. It is just a scouting mission" He said trying to convince me. Everyone around the base felt I was too stressed and uptight all the time. But how couldn't I be? People's lives were in my hands. I couldn't let them down.

"Listen Eagle, I'll unclench once this mission is over and we are all on the ground safe" I stated. 

"Geeze girl, maybe this is why you don't have a boyfriend" Normally this would make me mad but because it was Eagle saying it I laughed. Eagle has been my wingman for years so his comments didn't affect me.

Ignoring what he said I looked below "Firebolt to base, I see two bandits grounded" I reported back, today's mission was to spy on enemy aircraft counts.

"Base to firebolt, are you sure only two are grounded?"

"Yes sir, only two. How many were there supposed to be?" I asked but before I could get an answer Eagle came screaming through my headset.

"Firebolt we've got a problem! Ive got four bandits incoming on our 6!" He said, his voice was panicking. I tried to remain calm but the anxiety grew. 

"Firebolt to base we've got contact incoming!" I yelled I heard tone and realised the enemy was locking onto me. I quickly released flares to throw the missiles off my tail. 

"Eagle break left! Split up! it'll make it harder for them to lock us in!" I yelled through the quiet communication set.

Every move I made, they did the same. It was time to be reckless. I let one start to catch up to me. As it approaches I immediately pull back on my stick allowing myself to glide over the bandit lining me up perfectly for the shot. Within seconds I locked in and shot down the first bandit.

"One bandit down!" I yelled to communicate with Eagle

"Make that two!" Eagle responded.

"that's what Im talking about baby! Let's finish these assholes!" I said suddenly determined, I felt a new wave of confidence.

Instead of one bandit on me and one on Eagle, both approached Eagle from different angles.

"Firebolt I can't shake them they are coming in from different angles!"

"Hang in there I'm coming as fast as I can!" The panic came back. My wingman is in trouble.

"Eagle when I say so, dive"

"What's going on in that tiny brain of yours Firebolt!?" He yelled, I could hear the fear in his voice. I couldn't imagine the pressure he faced. He has a wife and a daughter to get back home to.

"DIVE!" I yelled and he did just that. While the one behind him followed suit the one approaching from the side didn't have much time to react. I quickly and easily locked onto the other bandit as I was head-on with him. Firing my missile he was out in seconds.

Last Chances-Pete Mitchell Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now