Second Chances

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

Daisy got to the hangar early for a mission debrief. Maverick arrived on time, he looked over at daisy who looked straight ahead. he sighed feeling deflated after last night. Daisy's heart told her to turn and take it all back but she needed to clear her mind for today. 

"Mission plan has changed. There are three bandits heading this way, you two in the air now" The admiral spoke. Finally, they looked at each other and nodded. The emotion was hiding behind their eyes, both could see it in each other but for the sake of time, they needed to get going now.

Up in the air, they sped towards the bandits to try and make contact before entering their airspace.

"Firebolt, slow down we need to maintain the same speed in order to attack efficiently," Maverick stated, Daisy knew he was right so she slowed.

"Sorry Mav, just want to make sure these bastards stay away"

"We got this don't worry"

But she did worry, she worried about him. Before her thoughts could continue she was disrupted by the tone in her cockpit.

"What the hell!? where is he?! Im being locked in!" Daisy shouted. Concern ran through Maverick, they couldn't see anything.

"Oh my god...He's coming from above me!" Daisy said immediately maneuvering out of his lock.

"Firebolt'll try and shake him off you!" Mav spoke

"No Mav! He's alone, this is a distraction, watch out for the other two!" And just like that the other two swung in, but thanks to Daisy's intelligent mind, Maverik was prepared. 

The one bandit on Daisy was relentless, every move she made he matched and vice versa. Maverick was able to shake one. But it cost him all his flares.

Daisy was running out of options. One thought left her questioning her sanity but it would work. 

She shot straight up towards the sun allowing the bandit to follow her lead. Struggling to see, she knew the bandit could be in the same situation. So she quickly pulled up and back hovering over and behind the behind. Finally able to get a lock she shot him down. 

"Mav Talk to me where are you" Daisy spoke worriedly, he had gone quiet.

"I can't shake this one! Im out of flares and I can't get behind him!" Maverick stated panicked. This bandit flew just like he did. The panic rose in Diasy, this moment feeling too similar to one before.

Daisy realized how close the bandit was tailing Mav. It would be impossible to fire a missile without Maverick getting caught in the fire. 

"Mav, do you trust me?" She spoke readily to pull a move that could harm her but save the man she loved. 

"Firebolt...what are you doing"

"Just trust me Mav, keep doing what your doing"

Daisy approached from the side of the bandit, the maneuvers he was making were so abrupt she struggled to lock on to him. He didn't seem to notice her as he was so intent on Maverick. For a split, second Daisy got locked and fired. She hit the target dead on and Maverick made it out unharmed. 

"Yeah, baby that's what I'm talking about!" Mav cheered

But before Daisy could respond, the explosion from the bandit filled her engines causing an engine failure.

"Shit! Mav!"

"Firebolt pull up! What's going on pull up!"

"Im trying! the explosions caused my engines to fail! It's not working!"

suddenly an overheating warning popped up. She had to eject now or else she would become ash.

"Daisy EJECT NOW!" Maverick yelled in Panic, he was horrified by the scene.

Daisy pulled on her handles just in time. As soon as she cleared the jet exploded. It was like time slowed down. She thought about every moment up till now. She had no regrets, except for one. Maverick. She shouldn't have let fear cloud her. She needed to be brave and take chances. Her heart knew what she needed and she ignored it. Eagle would be disappointed in her.

The smoke and flames engulfed her so much Mav was unable to see a chute. His stomach sank. his mind numb once again. She saved him.

"Maverick, This is Admiral Flank, did you see a chute"

"I..I don't know sir..." He said trying to hold back the tears.

"We will send out search and rescue. Maverick return to base"

"Sir I can't just leave her, she could be alive"

"Maverick that is an order, there is nothing you can do"

Maverick reluctantly returned to base, knowing he shouldn't occupy search and rescue airspace.

Upon exiting his jet, Admiral Flank ran up to him. He could see the pain Maverick felt.

"They are at the sight. They found her, she made it out just in time Mav" He said putting a hand on the pilot's shoulder. 

Maverik released a shaky breath nodding his head.

"Go get cleaned up, she's headed straight to the med bay. You can visit her there in a few hours"

And Maverick did exactly that.

"Im here to see Captain Riddle" He stated trying to sound calm but he was so anxious to see her.

"Room 3"

Daisy lay there running over what had happened. She should have been dead. or at least injured. All she had was a minor concussion. She felt like this was her second chance.

"I wont hide this time Eagle"

Her thoughts were interrupted by Maverick walking in.

"Im glad your okay Daisy," He said awkwardly not knowing how to approach her after the other night. All Diasy wanted was for her to be in his arms, to feel the comfort he provided her.

"Pete..." She started as he stepped closer. He almost lost her and he couldn't shake the thought.

"I've never had a single regret in my life until Eagle died. I blamed myself so hard for that. It hurt so bad to lose a brother. The feelings I have for you are so strong, stronger than I have ever felt. So I thought pushing you away would be easier than possibly losing you in combat. But after ejecting, I was reminded of one more regret. That I didn't give us a chance. Because no matter how scared I am, the feeling of being with you will always win..."

Maverick slowly walked closer pulling her head to his.

"I thought I lost you, Daisy...I never want to lose you"

"Then you won't, please don't leave Pete, I want you, I need you, I love you"

Maverick's heart completely melted at this woman, and she was all his.

"I love you too," He said kissing her. Both of them were exactly where they belonged.

Daisy was discharged later that night. Despite her minor concussion which she insisted was nothing, she and Maverick could be found in her bed, clothes discarded and both completely out of breath.

Maverick held Daisy close to his chest. both feeling more relaxed and comfortable than they ever have.

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