No Goodbyes

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Third POV:

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Third POV:

Months flew by, and Daisy and Pete grew closer. Quickly, they found each other sharing a bed every night. Her stuff and his stuff melded into their stuff. 

Daisy wasn't afraid to hold back anymore and she let him in. She had never felt love like this before. It was needy, comforting, and peaceful. It was everything.

Pete was hooked. Daisy was his anchor, through their most challenging times they held each other up. Pete never had a love like this either. He knew where this was headed and for once he was not scared.

However, this love came with a price. Daisy didn't fly as she used to and neither did Pete. They realized recklessness was not the best approach, for one could lose the other. But the world didn't need safe, it needed reckless and the admiral saw this. 

He knew the best thing to do to get his best dog fighters back would be to send one of them away suddenly and with no communication. Was this beyond wrong? Yes. Was this beyond childish? Hell yes. 

But the world needed Firebolt and Maverick...not Pete and Daisy. 

Daisy leaned her back against Pete's chest as the two watched the sunset ahead of them. So content with her there, Pete was ready for the next step. Before he could say anything he received an urgent message from the Admiral requesting his presence immediately.

"Just you?" Daisy asked confused, they were a team. 

"Yeah, but I'll be back as soon as possible, I'm sure it will be quick! don't start the movie without me!" He said as he climbed off the roof.

"Love ya, Pete!" Daisy shouted!

Pete smiled up at her widely. He was so ready. 

Entering the admiral's office, Pete tensed.

"Sir, you asked to see me"

"Ahh yes, Maverick please have a seat."

"As you know, we have entered a very hostile state. Enemy forces have doubled by the day."

"I understand sir" Pete replied confused about where he was going with this.

"You have proven to be an excellent pilot despite your lack of care for the rules. And for that I am promoting you to Captain" Pete smiled, this day was turning out to be perfect.

"However, Your association with Captain Riddle is straining our efforts. We need the reckless captain back, not the careful one. It's how we win wars."

Pete was stunned he went to speak up to defend her but the Admiral quickly silenced him.

"Im sending you new orders under Admiral Bates. I can't have you here anymore. Your plane leaves in an hour."

Pete was ready to scream and yell. He couldn't do this. He couldn't lose Daisy.

"Sir, you have no right!" Pete said raising his voice quickly realizing it was the wrong move. 

"You have your orders, Captain. These two gentlemen will escort you to get your things. No talking to Captain Riddle. None. I want you in and out in 10 minutes. If you so much as say a single word I will have you both dishonorably discharged for disobeying orders. Am I clear Captain?"

Pete wouldn't have cared if it was him being booted. He would do anything for Daisy. But he knows how talented she is and how hard she worked to get here. And how important her job is to her. He knows the world needs her. So he agreed. He couldn't take everything from Daisy for his own selfish needs. He is putting her first.

"Yes sir"

Pete walked out with tears in his eyes. As promised he grabbed whatever was at his own barracks and packed it in a bag. He had taken a lot to daisy's so he will just have to take what little he has here. The tears kept flowing. He was ready to propose, ready to make Daisy his forever. 

As he walked out of the building he looked over to Daisy's building one last time before heading off. 

Daisy waited and waited for Pete, suddenly growing concerned at how long things were taking. She decided to pass by the Admiral's office to see if everything was okay. As she walked by she found no sign of Pete. Fear began to build.

"Captain Riddle" Daisy turned to see the Admiral.

"Step into my office please"

She nodded her head hoping to get some answers. 

"Sir if you don't mind me asking but where is Lt. Mitchell?" She asked trying to find her boyfriend. She was very worried something happened.

"He got new orders and had to leave immediately."

"Without saying goodbye sir?"

"He said he didn't have anyone he needed to say goodbye to and was eager to leave."

At this Daisy's heart it exploded...It couldn't be true. Pete said her loved her. She was ready for the next step...

"Oh and Firebolt, It is Captain Mitchell now"

Daisy stood up ready to leave so she could cry every tear she had. She realized that promotion was more important than her, that the navy was more important than her. For once she let someone in so deep, and they ripped everything out of her. She felt like her old self again. The one after Eagle. the one that felt numb and not capable of letting others in.

"Thank you sir for informing me. I will be heading back to my barracks. Early day tomorrow"

"You are excused Captain" The admiral was happy with himself. This was what he needed to happen to get the old Daisy back. 

Pete lost all life within himself. He couldn't conjure any more tears. He sat on the plane numbly. His heart broke, never to be fixed again. No one could, because only Daisy could. And after today, he wouldn't be surprised if she hated him. Who knows what the Admiral told her? Lies.

Daisy sat on her couch in the same state as Pete. She was afraid of losing him, and she did along with all her hopes for their future. This pain hurt more than anything. 

There were no goodbyes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2023 ⏰

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