Chapter 5 - Harry

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I heard Niall open the door, and sophie stepped into the room. She looked stunning. I could tell that she had been crying, her eyes were puffy but she still looked beautiful. As soon as she saw me sitting on the sofa, she started to cry even more, so i opened my arms and she ran into me,sitting next to me and sobbing onto my shoulder. It felt so good to be holding her like this, being the one to comfort her. I held her close and after about 5 minutes she started to stop crying. I stroked the hair from her face as she looked up at me. 'I'm here soph' i said, and she gave me a warm, thankful smile. The whole time, the other boys were just chatting, and when Sophie finally lifted her head from my shoulders, they all have her a sympathetic smile. 'Soph, he's not worth it, soon he will realise what he has lost and come running back, dont let him play you darlin' said louis. She didnt say anything, she just sat there staring at the wall, fresh tears welling up in her eyes. 'Do you want a shower or a nice warm bath?' I asked her. 'A bath would be great, I've just got to sort myself out' she replied. Niall took her upstairs and ran the bath for her, and came back down after. 'So, haz, when you gonna make a move?' Niall asked. 'I dunno, she's just broke up with ollie, I'm not the kind that will push to early' i replied. They all gave me a smirk. 'What?' I asked. Nobody replied. I'm not that bad am i?

About 5 minutes later, i walked upstairs to get my pj bottoms on. I put them on and left my top off. Just then i heard sophie call 'harry?'

'Yes hun?'

'Is that you?'

'Yeah, it's me'

'Only you?'


'Ok come here' she said. I wasn't going to argue with her. I walked in and she had covered her body with the suds, but I could still see the outline of her amazing figure. 'Harry i want to say thanks'

'Thanks for what?'

'Being there for me, I mean, it really means a lot hazza' i loved it when she called me that. 'No probs babe' i replied. Maybe that was a bit risky, but she didnt seem uncomfortable. I smiled at her once more, before leaving the bathroom. I heard the shower turn on, she must be washing her hair. Ahh shit. Left my phone in the bathroom, if i dont get it the steam will water damage it. I ran back in, forgetting that sophie was taking a shower. 'HARRY!' She screamed as i ran in, covering up her body. 'Sorry!' I cringed. 'Don't just stand there harry!'

'Well what do you want me to do?'


'No' i giggled. She gave me a sly smile. 'I saw that sophie'

'Saw what?' She said innocently, still trying to cover up her body. 'You know what' I said. 'You don't want me to go do you?' I asked. She was quiet. 'No' she replied. I smiled, and walked over to the shower. She turned around, embarrassed. 'Dont' i said. 'You are beautiful, don't cover yourself up' i said. She turned her head towards me, and the worry that was etched onto her face dissappeared. She turned her whole body towards me, but she still covered herself up. I walked away from the shower, away from the curtain so she couldn't see me. 'Harry where are you going?' She asked. I didn't answer. I took my clothes off and went back to the shower. She was facing away from me, so i climbed in gently so she couldn't hear me. I couldn't believe i was doing this. I touched her waist from behind, and she didnt jump, she must have heard me. She didnt turn around, but i rested my head on her shoulder and swayed her from side to side. She finally showed herself, moving her hands so that she wasnt covering her self up anymore. I turned her around and lifted her chin up, before placing my hands back around her waist. She just stared at me for a while. Her eyes were beautiful and blue, she still look amazing even though she had washed all the make up off. She put her head on my chest and we started to slow dance. The bathroom was really steamy by now, i could just see her. She started to giggle. 'What?' I asked. 'Oh, I know' I said, slightly embarrassed. I lifted her out of the shower and wrapped a towel first around her, and then around my waist. I picked her up bridal style and opened the door. OH MY GOD.

Niall,louis,Liam and zayn were outside the bathroom door. 'How could you?' I asked. 'We wanted to see if you would do it'

'Do what?' Asked sophie, climbing down from my arms. 'The dare!' Said louis. Zayn clasped his hand over louis' mouth. 'The dare? a FUCKING DARE?' Shouted sophie. 'Sophie its not what you thi-' i couldn't finish it. She ran off into Nialls room and shut the door. 'For fucks sake guys. Thanks alot' i said, irritated. 'Haz, i thought you told her' said louis. 'Lou I'm not in the mood' i said. The other boys disappeared downstairs,obviously knowing that they were in the way. I walked over to Nialls door and i could hear sophie softly sobbing. I knocked quietly. 'Fuck off' sophie said. 'Sophie let me in'


'Sophie let me explain'

'NO!' I could tell that she was on the other side of the door. 'Sophie the dare was to tell you how I felt' she didn't reply. I was waiting outside her door, determined not to walk off, like ollie.

She unlatched the door. I walked in and sat on the bed, i signalled to sophie to sit on my knee but she sat on the bed instead. She didnt look at me,she sat there playing with her thumbs. 'Sophie i swear, the dare was to tell you how I feel, and well, I guess I better do it now' she looked up at me, before i continued, 'I've had a crush on you for the last year, and well I've never had chance to tell you because of ollie'. She looked at me and then came and sat on my lap. Just then i heard louis knock on the door. I went to answer it and told sophie to stay on the bed. 'What?' I asked him. 'Did you make it up?'

'Yeah, you're lucky'

'So did you do it?'

'Do what?'


'The dare?'


'Ermm wel-'

Just then i heard sophie. She was crying, just standing there still in her towel. 'So that's what this 'dare' is about?' Who can get into me first?' She said. I was horrified. 'No!' I said. 'Louis, go' i said, and he did. 'No harry. You lied to me' said sophie. 'No babe, i didn't i swear! Lets forget about the dare, because i need to tell you now. Sophie, i am in love with you' i said. She just stared at me. No expression. Did she feel the same? Nah, come on. She just broke up with her boyfriend. 'Harry' she said. 'Come here'. I did. She put her hands on my chest, feeling my abs. I held her waist again, and the drama seemed to be forgotten. She got onto her tiptoes and raised her head, before leaning in for a kiss. I immediately kissed her back, but she pulled away early. 'What's wrong?' I asked. She didnt reply, so i picked her up and put her on the bed. 'Harry I'm cold' she said. 'Ok babe, here, get under the duvet' i said, pulling up the sheet. she put her whole body in the duvet, even her head. She started to giggle. 'Come on!' She said. I got under the duvet too, and i couldn't see anything. I felt her coming towards me, so i sat up and felt for her face. I kissed her lips and then slowly leaned forward, so she was on her back. I was still kissing her and soon i was completley ontop of her and she started to giggle. I couldn't help but laugh, she was so cute. 'Stop' she said. 'Did I do something wrong?' I asked. 'No', she replied, 'I wanted to say sorry, and to thank you' she whispered. I still couldn't see her. 'Your welcome babe' i said. I carried her out of the duvet and helped her into her pjamas, then lead her downstairs. 'Harry I'm scared, what will louis think?' She said. 'Babe dont worry, they dare say anything and ill fuck them up' i said. We walked into the living room and everyone stared at us. 'What?' I said. 'Nothin' said Niall, 'wanna watch a film?'

'Sure' said sophie, before i could agree. We all snuggled up on the huge sofa, sophie in the middle. louis and zayn spent ages arguing on what to watch, so Liam just put on the inbetweeners, and louis started being innapropriate, of course. He started dancing, but i was feeling tired. 'You ok?' Asked harry. 'Yeah, just tired'

'Want me to drive you home or are you crashing here?'

'Well niall said i could stay here' she said. 'Ok' I winked. After the movie i took sophie upstairs because she was tired. I said goodnight to the boys and we headed for the bedroom. I took it easy, it was hard, but i managed to control myself. I lay down and sophie fell asleep in my arms.

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