Meet Jessica

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Good day y'all! You are reading this because you want to know more about my WP big sis, Jessica. If that's not what you came here for, then give us the ticket back! It's expensive, and Obama still plans to buy a seat :3

I, Yazerrs, will be asking questions, and she will kindly respond *sees Jess punching a citizen* WITH PROPER DECORUM. *glares at her* Sit here, Jess. Now, now stop snarling. He's already dead.

Jess: (\_/)
(o.o) Hop hop hop *sits*

(Jess: The video above is me and my dance team getting ready for our first performance, I put a picture of where I am as well)

First, what do you have to say for yourself?

You make me sound like a criminal with this first question lol xD

Yaz: That's what a suspect would say.

Jess: I'm not talking and you haven't read me my rights!

How tall are you?

Last I checked I was 5'1 the shortest in my family. Probably in our Alpha Family too.

How well do you dance?

Well at parties if you put Mexican music on you better move over cuz I'm coming through lol xD there actually a video on YouTube with my hip hop dance team doing a flashmob at school.

Do you laugh like a donkey or Joker?

What kind of question is this 0_o

Yaz: a classified one

Jess: Then why did you ask it?

What's the first thing you do in the morning?

Check my phone and see all the notifications our family has caused lol

What's the last thing you do before you sleep?

Tell my older sisters to "SHUT UP I'M TRYING TO SLEEP!"

Where were you last night?

You make me sound like a criminal again woman! I was home in my room with my sisters. This is what happened:

My oldest sister Leydi (pronounced Lady) and my other sister Veronica are drinking. Leydi drunk like a few beers and Veronica drank one but Leydi sat on my laundry basket and I was like wtf you broke it! And she gets up and sits back down and breaks it even more!

We all bust out laughing then Veronica called Leydi dumb so Leydi attacked veronica on to the floor and I helped Veronica.

Leydi began calling us dumb but me and Veronica were still laughing at her and then we all start hitting each other.

Then we stopped cuz our mom came in then me and Veronica high fived each other cuz Leydi got in trouble. Leydi then said she can fight us and me and Veronica began laughing even more and she attacked veronica then I was laughing and trying to get Leydi off her then Leydi flipped me and I got rug burn on my shoulder. She was like see I could take you guys and I was like I'm laughing so hard my stomach hurts so you moron you didn't win shit and then our mom came back in again yelling at us but omg it was funny

Yaz: I see, so you weren't at the crime scene.

Do you visit the library? Why?

I used to a lot and it was because I would checkout a book or go on the computers.

Have you pranked your teachers? How?


What are you like with your friends?

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