Grey Skies: Chapter 10

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In the back of the ride share, Max threaded his tie through the last loop and tried to steady his shaking hands. The ride from the train station to the lake house took less than twenty minutes, but he was more nervous walking into the home of his former commander, who needed his help than providing security to the General as they drove through the uninviting streets of Djibouti.

The SUV pulled into the long driveway that led to Finn and Emily's home, the bright red door standing out against the looming November grey sky. Tires crunched against gravel as the vehicle came to a stop. He thanked the driver, pulled out his duffle bag and turned to find Finn striding across a still green, perfectly manicured lawn.

"You made it." His former commander clapped him on the back. In the filtered afternoon light, Max couldn't help but notice the bags under Finn's eyes. Emily had said he wasn't sleeping. Max gripped the handle of his bag tighter. He could barely think about what happened himself, how was he supposed to get Finn to talk about what was bothering him. "I need reinforcements."

"That bad?"

"Em's father brought his new girlfriend and she and Mary are... well, let's say, not getting along." Finn walked him to the front door.

Max huffed. After what she'd done to his friend, Max figured Mary could roast a while longer. Say a decade at least. "Up to her old tricks?"

"I'd recommend Simon for a metal of bravery for marrying her if he wasn't so damned happy all the time."

Max shoved aside the pang of jealousy that stabbed in his side at the mention of Finn's older brother. In During his years in the Navy, Finn didn't have much contact with Simon and Max had basked in the false sensation of feeling like he was Finn's brother, if not in blood. With Finn's retirement from the Navy and subsequent move to Bridgetown, he'd reconnected with Simon, who owned several businesses in the area. Add in the fact Simon had married Emily's sister, and the man was constantly in Finn's life.

"Guess every pot has its lid." The phrase reminded him of his mother and another sharp jab hit under his ribcage. He should be home helping stir the gravy today, not thousands of miles away spending Thanksgiving with people he didn't know or even like.

Finn ushered him into the foyer and beelined for the living room. "Everyone. Look who I found wandering around outside."

A sea of heads all turned in Max's direction and he scanned the room for a friendly. On the sofa by the window, his gaze snagged on the fine features of Sophie and his heart squeezed. Unlike the day she'd sat in the café beside him in her bulky cable-knit sweater, today a pale blue lace dress hugged the curves of her body and her long bare legs gleamed in the warm light from the fireplace.

There was one person here he liked.

Too much.

"Max." Emily pushed herself out of a chair and barrelled into him, her slim arms wrapping around him and almost making it despite the baby bump in the way and her short stature. "Thank you for coming."

"I heard there were good eats." He refused to look back in Sophie's direction, focusing on the patterned rug before the hearth instead. "Thanks for having me."

Her eyes fell to the frayed duffle in his hands, and the corner of her mouth twitched. Max shifted the weight of the few belongings he had, feeling self-conscious that everything he owned could be stuffed into one portable bag.

Emily's hand brushed his elbow as she turned him away from the crowd. "I hope this means you're staying with us for a bit."

"If you'll have me."

Her lips turned into a genuine smile and mouthed a silent 'thank you'. "Let's get you settled in."

Finn took her hand. "I'll do it, Em." He kissed the top of her head. "You rest."

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