Grey Skies - Chapter 25

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But she can't come back, thought Sophie as she rubbed circles into Max's back. Just like Thomas, Natalie was gone, and there was nothing either of them could do about it. No matter how much she wanted to make things better for Max, the truth stood before them like a sentinel, ever present.

Platitudes of 'things will get better' and 'you'll find love again' stuck in Sophie's throat. Words she'd heard from friends and family but had never come to fruition for her. She'd never even considered another man in her life. Not until Max showed up.

Guilt ripped through Sophie, causing her to sway in the suddenly warm kitchen. No, she was only lusting after Max, nothing more. There could never be anything more.

Max pushed away from her, wiping his eyes with a palm. "I didn't mean to ruin our day."

"Nothing's ruined." She brushed away her own tear.

Max raised a hand, his thumb skimming the corner of her eye. His touch was warm and gentle. "Don't cry." Despite her resolution, she leaned into the comfort he offered. "Please."

Sophie shut her eyes, reveling in the sensation of Max's fingers cupping her cheek. The tenderness of his caress stirred an ache in her chest at the loss of these moments. It had been too long since a man had treated her with such affection. It would be so easy to let go, give in to the desire to be held, to be cared for. Max offered something she couldn't let herself have. This wasn't right.

But when he shifted, bringing her head closer, she didn't resist. When she felt the tiny puffs of his breath against her lips, she didn't stop him. Nor did she move away as his soft mouth took the tiniest of tastes. Her heart slammed in its cage. Max took more, savouring her like she was a fine wine that needed time to be appreciated, following his sample with a quiet groan she assumed was satisfaction with her flavour. Sophie craved more. She leaned in and took his mouth with hers, unable to stop.

Why was being with Max so easy? Unlike other men, he seemed to ask permission, even seemed willing to follow her lead. This was the most forward Max had ever been in her presence, asking to be let in. His other hand found her waist, then the small of her back, fingers pressing into her skin, pulling her into him. Their chests snapped together like magnets, and Sophie swore she could feel the beating of his heart against her breast. The erratic thump, thump pounding out a message she couldn't quite decipher. Curls of delight spiraled in her stomach and sank lower with each delicate caress of Max's mouth. This was a kiss. She loved being kissed like this.

Sophie's head snapped back. "Stop."

All the air had been sucked out of the room. She shouldn't be loving a kiss. Sex was fine. Sex was the deal she made with herself. Physical touch was necessary. She could enjoy being with another man to meet her needs, to scratch an itch now and again. But she wasn't supposed to love it.

She clutched his wrists and freed his fingers from her hair. "We can't."

A lined cracked across his forehead. "What can't we do?"

"This." She waved her hands between them. "You and me. It won't work."

The warmth in Max's eyes cooled, and his lips pressed into a thin line. The heat pooling in her stomach started to leech away. "Don't look at me like that."

"I can't stop looking at you, Sophie."

Her insides melted at the blatant honesty in his voice. Why did he have to be so... nice? If he was like the men she usually slept with, he couldn't wait to leave her in the morning. But Max came back again and again. She searched his face for some leverage. A muscle flexed in the hard line of his jaw, the angle of his nose, his skin as smooth as a baby's butt.

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